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Old 28-04-15, 19:05
Carriage5 Carriage5 is offline
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Default Scenario:Codename 'Chessman' Game 2

Title: Codename 'Chessman' Game 2

This is a Prelim draft and work in progress.There is a lot of tidying up and stream lining to do,add reference release details.Draft 1 status i.e. a workable scenario is below this post.

This is a continuation of the 'Operation Chessman' release May 11 13.A BIG thankyou to TCG who came up with the original concept.

Type : Spy Uniform steal.

Models:Villainess Spy 'Chessman' :Cindy Read.
. Naval Officer as available or appropriate
. 'Chessmans' Handler : Annabelle

Clothes :
Cindy Prologue Black T-shirt,jeans,boots,jacket as seen in 'Hannah Shaw' dd Oct 21 14 release,sunglasses,gloves.
Scene 2,3 and 4:Full MP uniform incl.hat,Mac or coat black thin gloves large satchel.
Naval Officer Full Naval Officer Uniform incl.hat,dark holdups court shoes and briefcase.
Handler:- Large overcoat,head scarf round head sunglasses

Props:Personal -Wig (blonde as worn by Cindy in 'Cheerleader' releases photos dd Oct 9 10 vid dd Nov 5 10 ),wig cap,small brown classic chloro bottle,large white soft pad (as security steal release) portable mirror. False Cindy MP I.D.card and Navy ID card.'Genuine ' Officer Jones ID card,official orders document (like in 'Chessman' release allowing Jones on base phone.

Synopsis : The first operation went very well useful information was obtained including a Naval Research base developing the new stealth submarine.The Joint Military Intelligence need to carry out a more detailed inquirey .........

Location :House

1.Shot of a park blank sceen with '6.00 am a city park'
2.Scene opens with Chessman's handler sitting on one end of park bench looking straight ahead.
3.Cindy appears and sits down with a gap between them.She too looks straight ahead.
4.Conversation very calm and cold:
H :Your late
C :Late Flight.
H :How was Amsterdam?
C :Successful
H :The information from your first mission was very useful,we've gleened some details about their submarine development but we need a closer look.It's all in there,locations,your safe house the information we require..(Handler puts large A4 envelope on bench gap between them,Cindy picks it up)
H : Naval Officer Karen Jones is visiting the Naval Research base tomorrow morning,she's staying at a local house used by visiting personnel. Don't worry she's a last minuite replacement,the original officer met with an accident (the handler allows herself a smile).
C : Tomorrow doesn't leave much time.
H : You still have the MP uniform? then maybe a security check is in order.Call when you've completed the replacement.
The Handler gets up to walk away she stops and turns around "Oh and she's a blonde here"she takes out a wig in a clear plastic bag from her coat and hands it over."Good luck" and walks out of shot.
5.Scene fades.

Prologue if bench not available:
1.Shot of a woodland blank sceen with '6.00 am in a wood'
2.Scene opens with Chessman's handler standing waiting and looking at her watch.
3.Cindy appears and stands opposite Handler.
4.Conversation very calm and cold:
Is as above except A4 envelope handed over to Cindy.

Prologue 3rd Option:
1.Blank screen with '6.00 am -An alley way in rundown area if town'
2.Scene opens in alleyway (Use location as in 'I don't think so' release at Lethallipstick)
3.Chessman's handler is standing waiting and looking at her watch.
3.Cindy appears and stands opposite Handler.
4.Conversation very calm and cold:
Is as above except A4 envelope handed over to Cindy.

Scene 2
1.Blank screen with 'a safe house in the same town as the rented'.
2.Scene shot quite close in (see 'Thermo cube gun' release Sept 26 13 when Anita is on phone and filling bag etc) so that safe house location isn't confused with Naval Officers house.
3.Scene opens Cindy is in MP uniform minus hat,she puts her hair up into a high ponytail,puts black leather gloves on.
4.Camera moves in to low cabinet next to her on which is a large satchel and items.We now see just Cindys gloved hands pick up each item and put them in the sachel.These are pistol,brown chloro bottle,tape and a large wodge of cotton wool.a portable mirror,mobile phone.
5.Finally two ID cards ,one with large MP letters and Cindy's photo the other with large Navy letters
We then see the gloved hands open the top draw of the cabinet and remove a blonde wig the camera pulls back as Cindy lifts it up ,shakes and examines it and says "Hello Officer Jones" with a smile then puts it into the satchel.
5.She looks at her watch,puts on a large overcoat or mac (to hide the uniform),takes a scarf and puts it on her head.Puts on dark sunglasses.Picks up satchel and puts it over shoulder.Final close up shot of MP hat being picked up by gloved hand.
6.We hear a door open and slam.

Scene 3
1.Blank screen with 'Officer Jones Temporary Accommodation'
2.Scene opens outside house with Cindy in coat,scarf sunglasses disguise walking towards camera down path towards front door (See Alegra in Thermo Cube gun release dd Sept 26 13).
3.When she gets to the door she looks around to make sure no one is about.Quickly she removes her coat and scarf and sunglasses and hides them at the side of the door.
4.She takes out the hat from the satchel and we see her put it on her head,She makes sure her fringe is pushed up under the cap and then with both hands pushes the cap hard down on her head.
5.She checks her uniform is straight,tie OK,arm band correct on sleeve and picks up the satchel puts over her shoulder.
6.We see her face the door,take a deep breath to prepare herself and knock on the door.

Scene 4
1.Scene opens with internal shot of hallway/front door.
2.We hear Cindy knock and out of the living room Officer Jones appears and goes to answer.
3.She opens door Cindy salutes and Jones returns salute (Note army and navy salutes different,Army open palm to cap,Navy parallel to head,I'm sure you can find a picture on the web to show)
4.Conversation Cindy formal and business like:
C :"Officer Jones,I'm from the Research Base ,I need to speak with you,May I come in?
J :"Yes of course,but I'm due at the Base in an hour couldn't it wait till I got there?
C :'Fraid not Mam
Officer Jones leads her into the sitting room.
5.J :Now what's this all about?
C :There's been a security breach and we need to check ID cards
J :Really I'm sorry I didn't catch your name and where's your ID?
C :Sorry Mam,Smith Mam (She pulls out her fake MP ID and hands it over)
J :I'm not sure about this (as she examines the card) and what's the Army doing with Navy matters?I think I'll ring the base and check.
C :Of course Mam,can't be too careful Mam.
6.Jones walks over to where the phone is,picks it up and dials,
7.Camera changes to waist up frontal shot of Jones "Hello,This is Officer Karen Jones can you put me through to department 7"
8.There is a short pause " Ahh yes This is ....
9.Cut shot of Cindys glove handed arm raising in a Karate chop motion.
10.Cut back to waist up frontal of Jones "....Officer Jo.. she stops mid sentence as we hear the thump as Cindy's hand is brought down on Jones neck.She falls down unconscious with a moan,phone falling out of her hands.As she falls out of shot Cindy is revealed face like stone.
11.Close up shot of phone on floor next to unconscious arm of Jones "Helo,Hello " can be heard.
12.Out of top of shot a gloved hand reaches down and picks up the phone.
13.Shot of Cindy bringing phone up to ear,face still stone like suddenly changes to friendly as she says "Yes,sorry about that I droped the phone Yes it's Officer Jones here I'm afraid I'm running slightly late can you delay pick up for a half hour Thank you so much"ends call face immediately goes back to stone.While she is on the phone she removes her hat undoes her ponytail runs her fingers through her hair straightening it out.She then undoes her jacket buttons.
14.She throws away the phone stands over the unconscious Jones slowly removing her gloves.
15.She now strips the Officer of her uniform,she finds an official orders document allowing Jones into the base for the meetings etc) and once done drags her over and onto the couch.
16.She now takes the cotton wool and fills Jone's mouth and applies a tape gag to her mouth.
17.She now strips herself and redresses in the Naval uniform excluding hat.
18.she now takes out the wig and portable mirror from the satchel.She sets up the mirror on top of the sideboard where the phone usually sits.
19.Using the mirror he now puts up her hair and covers it with a wig cap.
20.She now takes the wig shakes it straightens it and puts it on (preferably from front to back of head,see Holly in 'Dangerous Witness' release dd August 2nd 2012).Styles it to look correct.
21.Officer Jones now starts to wake up realising with horror that she's bound and the shock of a blonde woman in her uniform.She starts to complain loudly.
22.Cindy stands facing Jones and slowly puts on her black gloves"Ahh your awake you obviously approve" she says in a with cold cruel smile.Muffled angry complaints squirming.
23.Cindy reaches into the satchel and removes the chloro bottle and large white pad.She liberally douses the pad,Jones gets agitated realising what is about to happen.
24.Cindy goes and sit next to the bound Jones "Good Night Officer Jones"
25.Cindy clamps the chloro pad firmly over Jones face.Jones reations as 'Security steal' release (forceful angry grunting,struggling against bonds,shot of legs etc) gradually voice gets weaker,movements relax,eye role.Cindy is always in control maintaining the pad constantly on face in vice like grip,she occaisionally cups and squeezes Jone's breast to increase inhalation.She is stone faced throughout only the occasional wince at the effort in maintaining her strong grip over Jones.Says things like "breath in" etc in a cold matter of fact way.( Shots XXXX)
Once Jones has gone unconscious Cindy maintains the cloth for a minuite while Jones is heard grunting softly and her chest rises and falls deeply.
26.Cindy gets up,she puts the chloro pad and bottle in her pockets.
27.She checks the official order document and puts it in her breast pocket.
28.Cindy takes out the false Navy ID and using the mirror compares herself with the photo,adusts 'wig etc.She experiments with saying "Officer Karen Jones reporting as instructed"(See Anita at beginning of 'Help for Holly' for idea).
29.Cindy gets mobile phone out of satchel and dials.
30.She says in a cold calm manner "Hello this is Chessman.The baby has been changed and put to bed,I will call after I've been to the shops" ends call puts phone in pocket.
31.Cindy finds the Naval Officers hat puts it on making sure its straight,straightens her uniform.(If hat won't fit over wig then just put it under arm.
32.She looks at her watch,picks up the Officers briefcase,allows herself a smile at the unconscious Jones and walks confidently out of the room.

1.At safe house same location as scene 2
2.Cindy on phone calmly "Yes This is chessman.The word is Checkmate,I repeat Checkmate,I'll meet you at our first meeting place."
3.While she is saying above she takes off the wig and shakes her hair free (with a phew of relief)
4.Scene fades

The End

Potted Storyline
1.Prologue :- Cindy meets handler who gives her her assignment.
2.Scene 2 :- Cindy prepares herself.
3.Scene 3 :- Cindy approaches the Naval Officers house
4.Scene 4 :- Cindy gets into the house,Officer gets suspicious,take down,strip and redress,wig chloro.
5.Epilogue :- After mission Cindy confirms everything well.

Important Notes
Cindy has always been one of my favourites.In other threads I have commented on the fact that when she plays the villainess she tends to rush things and be in an overall hurry (like redressing in the uniform).The same with her dialogue where she gets annoyed or 'pissed off' with the victim if she's complaining when bound and Cindy's redressing.
Compare this to Anita in anything,yes,she 'gets on with it' but always seems calm and has time.
This rushing/pissed off attitude may be acceptable if Cindy was playing a gang member etc but as a professional spy it tends to spoils it.
What I'm trying to say is can we emphasise to her that she's playing a cold,calm,methodical agent who is never rushed.She should be 'stone-faced' through out,which she can do (see 'Office' photoset Oct 3 10 page 6 jpg 6054) unless she needs to be friendly.
Again I'm not deliberately criticizing for it's own sake.She really is one of my favourites and as such I really want to see her get it right.



Last edited by Carriage5; 20-05-15 at 09:30.
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Old 29-04-15, 15:08
Carriage5 Carriage5 is offline
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Title:Codename 'Chessman' Game 2:Naval Manoeuvres

This is a continuation of the 'Operation Chessman' release May 11 13.A BIG thankyou to TCG who came up with the original release concept.

Draft 1:Ready for production (if and when).

Note:- Underlined sentences are references to previous releases to give idea of what is required.

The first operation went very well useful information was obtained including a Naval Research base developing the new stealth submarine.The Joint Military Intelligence need to carry out a more detailed investigation........

Type :
Spy Uniform steal.

Villainess Spy 'Chessman' :Cindy Read.
Naval Officer as available or appropriate
'Chessmans' Handler : Annabelle

Shoot Location:

Potted Storyline
1.Prologue :- Cindy meets handler who gives her her assignment.
2.Scene 2 :- Cindy prepares herself.
3.Scene 3 :- Cindy approaches the Naval Officers house
4.Scene 4 :- In hallway Jones answers door Cindy blags way in.
4.Scene 5 :- In living room,Officer gets suspicious,take down,strip and redress,wig chloro.
5.Epilogue :- After mission Cindy confirms everything well.


Clothes: Handler Large overcoat,head scarf round head sunglasses
Cindy Black T-shirt,jeans,boots,jacket ( see in 'Hannah Shaw' dd Oct 21 14 release),sunglasses,gloves.

Props :Brown A4 envelope,Wig (blonde as worn by Cindy in 'Cheerleader' releases photos dd Oct 9 10 vid dd Nov 5 10 ) OR blonde bob which might suit military better,

1.Shot of a park blank sceen with '6.00 am a city park'
2.Scene opens with Chessman's handler sitting on one end of park bench looking straight ahead.
3.Cindy appears and sits down with a gap between them.She too looks straight ahead.
4.Conversation very calm and business like:
H :Your late
C :Late Flight.
H :How was Amsterdam?
C :Successful
H :The information from your first mission was very useful,we've gleened some details about their submarine development but we need a closer look.It's all in there,locations,your safe house the information we require..(Handler puts large A4 envelope on bench gap between them,Cindy picks it up)
H : Naval Officer Karen Jones is visiting the Naval Research base tomorrow morning,she's staying at a local house used by visiting personnel. Don't worry she's a last minuite replacement,the original officer met with an accident (the handler allows herself a smile).
C : Tomorrow doesn't leave much time.
H : You still have the MP uniform? then maybe a security check is in order.Call when you've completed the replacement.
5.The Handler gets up to walk away she stops and turns around "Oh and she's a blonde here"she takes out a wig in a clear plastic bag from her coat and hands it over."Good luck" and walks out of shot.
6.Scene fades.

Prologue if bench not available:
1.Shot of a woodland blank sceen with '6.00 am in a wood'
2.Scene opens with Chessman's handler standing waiting and looking at her watch.
3.Cindy appears and stands opposite Handler.
4.Conversation very calm and business like:
Is as above except A4 envelope handed over to Cindy.

Prologue 3rd Option:
1.Blank screen with '6.00 am -An alley way in rundown area if town'
2.Scene opens in alleyway (Use location as in 'I don't think so' release at Lethallipstick)
3.Chessman's handler is standing waiting and looking at her watch.
3.Cindy appears and stands opposite Handler.
4.Conversation very calm and business like:
Is as above except A4 envelope handed over to Cindy.

Scene 2

Clothes: Cindy:Full MP uniform incl.hat,Mac or coat, black thin gloves, large satchel

Props :Satchel,Wig (blonde as worn by Cindy in 'Cheerleader' releases photos dd Oct 9 10 vid dd Nov 5 10 )OR blonde bob which might suit military better,,brown chloro bottle, tape ,portable mirror,mobile phone,two ID cards ,one with large MP letters and Cindy's photo the other with large Navy letters.large overcoat or mac,scarf,sunglasses.

Location: Scene shot quite close in (see 'Thermo cube gun' release Sept 26 13 when Anita is on phone and filling bag etc) so that safe house location isn't confused with Naval Officers house.Or could be shot in dinning area.

1.Blank screen with 'a safe house in the same town as the rented accommodation'
2.Cindy is in MP uniform minus hat,she puts her hair up into a high ponytail,puts black leather gloves on.
3.Camera moves in to low table next to her on which is a large satchel.We see Cindys gloved hands checking the contents (as listed in props).
4.Finally the gloves hands picks up two ID cards, and puts in satchel.
5.We then see the gloved hands pick up the blonde wig next to the satchel - the camera pulls back as Cindy lifts it up ,shakes and examines it and says "Hello Officer Jones" with a smile then puts it into the satchel.
6.She looks at her watch,puts on a large overcoat or mac (to hide the uniform),takes a scarf and puts it on her head.Puts on dark sunglasses.Picks up satchel and puts it over shoulder.
7.Final close up shot of MP hat being picked up by gloved hand.
8.We hear a door open and slam.

Scene 3

Clothes: Cindy:Full MP uniform incl.hat,Mac or coat black thin gloves large satchel,scarf and sunglasses.

Props :Satchel,

Location:Scene shot outside house entrance door and path (See Allegra in Thermo Cube gun release dd Sept 26 13).

1.Blank screen with 'Officer Jones Temporary Accommodation'
2.Scene opens outside house with Cindy in coat,scarf sunglasses disguise walking towards camera down path towards front door.
3.When she gets to the door she looks around to make sure no one is about.She removes her coat and scarf and sunglasses and hides them at the side of the door.
4.She takes out the hat from the satchel and we see her put it on her head,She makes sure her fringe is pushed up under the cap and then with both hands pushes the cap hard down on her head so that cap and peak sit straight on head (not on the back of her head see shot of Cindy through door glass when in commanders office in 'Chessman' vid release).
5.She checks her uniform is straight,tie OK,arm band correct on sleeve and picks up the satchel puts over her shoulder.
6.We see her face the door,take a deep breath to prepare herself and knock on the door.

Scene 4

Clothes: Cindy:Full MP uniform incl.hat, black thin gloves
Naval Officer Full Naval Officer Uniform excl. hat,dark holdups court shoes.

Props :Satchel.Genuine ID badge.

Location: Shot in Hallway facing front door

1.Scene opens with internal shot of hallway/front door.
2.We hear Cindy knock and out of the living room Officer Jones appears and goes to answer.
3.She opens door Cindy salutes and Jones returns salute (Note army and navy salutes different,Army open palm to cap,Navy parallel to head,I'm sure you can find a picture on the web to show)
4.Conversation Cindy formal serious:
C :"Officer Jones,I'm from the Research Base ,I need to speak with you,May I come in?
J :"Yes of course,but I'm due at the Base in an hour couldn't it wait till I got there?
C :'Fraid not Mam
Officer Jones leads her into the sitting room.

Scene 5

Clothes: Cindy:Full MP uniform incl.hat, black thin gloves
Naval Officer Full Naval Officer Uniform without hat,dark holdups court shoes.

Props :Satchel,briefcase.Wig (blonde as worn by Cindy in 'Cheerleader' releases photos dd Oct 9 10 vid dd Nov 5 10 )OR blonde bob which might suit military better,,brown chloro bottle, tape ,portable mirror,mobile phone,two ID cards ,one with large MP letters and Cindy's photo the other with large Navy letters.'Genuine ' Officer Jones ID card,Official orders document (like in 'Operation Chessman' release) allowing Jones on base phone.

Location:Inside living room.(or if scene 2 shot in living room could use the dining area).

Chronelogical Order of events:-

Pre-amble and suspicions raised
1.Officer Jones enters from hall followed by Cindy.
.J :Now what's this all about?
C :There's been a security breach and we need to check ID cards
J :Really I'm sorry I didn't catch your name and where's your ID?
C :Sorry Mam,Smith Mam (She pulls out her fake MP ID and hands it over)
J :I'm not sure about this (as she examines the card) and what's the Army doing with Navy matters?I think I'll ring the base and check.
C :Of course Mam,can't be too careful Mam.

The Take Down
1.Jones walks over to where the phone is,picks it up and dials,
2.Camera changes to waist up frontal shot of Jones "Hello,This is Officer Karen Jones can you put me through to department 7"
3.There is a short pause " Ahh yes This is ....
4.Cut shot of Cindys glove handed arm raising in a Karate chop motion.
5.Cut back to waist up frontal of Jones "....Officer Jo.. she stops mid sentence as we hear the thump as Cindy's hand is brought down on Jones neck.She falls down unconscious with a moan,phone falling out of her hands.As she falls out of shot Cindy is revealed behind her face like stone.
6.Close up shot of phone on floor next to unconscious arm of Jones "Helo,Hello " can be heard.
7.Out of top of shot a gloved hand reaches down and picks up the phone.
8.Shot of Cindy bringing phone up to ear,face still stone like suddenly changes to friendly as she says "Yes,sorry about that Yes it's Officer Jones here I'm afraid I'm running slightly late can you delay pick up for a half hour Thank you so much"ends call face immediately goes back to stone.
9.She replaces the phone in it's docking station.
10.She then stands next to the unconscious Jones looking down at her smiling .
11.She slowly removes her gloves,takes off her hat,undoes her ponytail and shakes her hair loose.
12.She says "Now Officer Jones let's make you comfortable".

The Stripping,binding and Redress
1.Cindy now strips the Officer of her uniform,she finds an official orders document allowing Jones into the base for the meetings etc
2.Once done she drags her over and onto the couch.
3.She takes the tape from her satchel and binds Jones feet and hands with the tape.
4.She now applies a rectangular tape gag to her mouth.
5.She now strips herself and redresses in the Naval uniform excluding hat.

Wig Work
1.Cindy now takes out the wig and portable mirror from the satchel.She sets up the mirror on top of the sideboard where the phone usually sits.
2.She grabs a chair and puts it infront of the mirror and sits down,
2.Using the mirror she now puts up her hair and covers it with a wig cap.
3.She now takes the wig shakes it, straightens it, and puts it on - preferably from front to back of head (see Holly in 'Dangerous Witness' release video dd August 2nd 2012 or 'Saphire' photoset release dd May 7th 12 page 6 jpg 0265 ).
4.Styles it to look correct.
5.She smiles at the overall result,pleased with herself.

1.Officer Jones now starts to wake up realising with horror that she's bound and the shock of a blonde woman in her uniform.She starts to complain loudly.
2.Cindy stands facing Jones and slowly puts on her black gloves"Ahh your awake you obviously approve" she says in a with cold cruel smile.Muffled angry complaints squirming.
3.Cindy reaches into the satchel and removes the chloro bottle and large white pad.She liberally douses the pad,Jones gets agitated realising what is about to happen.
4.Cindy goes and sit next to the bound Jones "Good Night Officer Jones"
5.Cindy clamps the chloro pad firmly over Jones face:
Jones reations as 'Security steal' release - 2nd/3rd chloro i.e when already bound (Low forceful angry grunting,struggling against bonds,head moving from side to side,shot of legs etc) gradually voice gets weaker,movements relax,eye role.
Cindy is always in control maintaining the pad constantly on face in vice like grip,she occaisionally cups and squeezes (not twists etc) Jone's breast to increase inhalation.She is stone faced throughout only the occasional wince at the effort in maintaining her strong grip over Jones.Says things like "Shh,Shhh" and "breath in" etc in a calm matter of fact way.( Shots both models,cut shots of each face,legs etc)
6.Once Jones has gone unconscious Cindy maintains the cloth for a minuite while Jones is heard grunting softly and her chest rises and falls deeply.
7.Cindy removes the pad pat's her on the cheek and says "Good girl you enjoyed that didn't you?" with a smile.

To clarify - Holly in 'Security steal' release was an amateur and therefore let Sophie break away from Holly's grip and away from the cloth.Cindy is a professional and trained so always maintains control of the target and pad over mouth.This of course doesn't stop the target trying!

If this doesn't work then the chloro reactions as used in 'Chessman' release are equally good.

End Game
1.Cindy gets up,she puts the chloro pad and bottle in her pockets.
2.She checks the official order document and puts it in her breast pocket.
3.Cindy takes out the false Navy ID and using the mirror compares herself with the photo, adusts wig etc.She experiments with saying "Officer Karen Jones reporting as instructed" (See Anita at beginning of 'Help for Holly' for idea).
4.Cindy gets mobile phone out of satchel and dials.
5.She says in a calm manner "Hello this is Chessman.The baby has been changed and put to bed,I will call after I've been to the shops" ends call puts phone in pocket.
6.Cindy finds the Naval Officers hat puts it on making sure its straight,straightens her uniform.(If hat won't fit over wig then just put it under arm)
7.She looks at her watch,picks up the Officers briefcase,allows herself a smile at the unconscious Jones and walks confidently out of the room.
8.Scene fade.


Clothes: Cindy:Naval Officer Uniform without jacket or hat,dark holdups court shoes.

Props :Wig (blonde as worn by Cindy in 'Cheerleader' releases photos dd Oct 9 10 vid dd Nov 5 10 )OR blonde bob which might suit military better,,mobile phone.

Location:Same as Scene 2

1.Blank screen with 'Back at the safe house later that day'
2.Cindy on phone calmly "Yes This is chessman.The word is Checkmate,I repeat Checkmate,I'll meet you at our first meeting place."
3.While she is saying above she takes off the wig and shakes her hair free (with a phew of relief),runs her fingers through her hair smiling.
4.Scene fades

The End

Out Takes
If any.

Important Notes
Cindy has always been one of my favourites.In other threads I have commented on the fact that when she plays the villainess she tends to rush things and be in an overall hurry (like redressing in the uniform).The same with her dialogue where she gets annoyed or 'pissed off' with the victim if she's complaining when bound and Cindy's redressing.
Compare this to Anita in anything,yes,she 'gets on with it' but always seems calm and has time.

This rushing/pissed off attitude may be acceptable if Cindy was playing a gang member etc but as a professional spy it tends to spoil it.

What I'm trying to say is can we emphasise to her that she's playing a cold,calm,methodical agent who is never rushed.She can get angry but is never annoyed.
She should be 'stone-faced'/impassive facial most of the time,which she can do (see 'Office' photoset Oct 3 10 page 6 jpg 6054) unless she needs to be friendly.She has a smile to herself at times when something has/is going well.
Again I'm not criticizing for it's own sake.She really is one of my favourites and as such I really want to see her get it right.



Last edited by Carriage5; 20-05-15 at 11:44.
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Old 12-05-15, 18:59
Carriage5 Carriage5 is offline
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Hi John and team,

I've finished adjusting Draft 1,it's as complete as it will ever be.

One minor change if we can change the wig to a blonde bob (I believe you have one in store) as it will look far more 'realistic' with a military uniform.Not to worry if cannot find go with the original 'Cheerleader'.Sorry for the inconvenience.

Usual caviat :If made at all use,change or leave out anything you see fit.



Last edited by Carriage5; 12-05-15 at 19:16.
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