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Old 13-02-10, 14:18
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Default Waitress Part 3


When Kim woke up she was alone. She felt really weird. She remembered trying to fake going under. Then there was the strapped on cloth. She thought she dreamed she was in a doctor’s office on a table. It wasn’t like Melissa described, and she wasn’t naked. It was more like she was in a 3 way love scene. She was kissing and being kissed by an attractive man and a beautiful woman about her age. They were undressing her. Then they placed a cloth over her face. After that everything went blank. Was it chloroform?

Kim got up and walked around. She felt a sting in her butt. She pulled down her shorts and pantyhose and saw a needle hole. Then she found another hole on her arm. She guessed that she was injected while she was under from the chloroform. Was the rest a dream or were the drugs they gave her making her hallucinate? What were they doing while she was under? Maybe Melissa would remember more when she came back. If she came back that is! Kim was scared.

When the car reached the clinic, the men carried a very limp Melissa into the doctor’s office. The well soaked cloth was still strapped on her and was still wet. The doctor came in and gave her the injection in the arm first and then turned her over and pulled down her shorts and pantyhose and injected her in the hip. Then he removed the cloth and invited the next couple in.

When the couple entered the room, Melissa was deeply under and looked breathtaking on the table in her Knockers costume. The woman lifted her head and pulled one of her eyes open. They were her color. Her hair was shiny and beautiful too. Her body was perfect. How did they ever find such a perfect donor?

The man was eying Melissa’s limp body with awe as well. His fantasies were in overdrive just looking at her. He had never seen a pretty girl up close when she was unconscious like this and it drove him wild!

The doctor told them she was well sedated and showed them how to use the chloroform if there was a problem. Then he said that they would have about 2 hours with her to make their decision, and locked them in the room.

The couple eagerly looked her over and waited for her to wake up. After about 15 minutes Melissa opened her eyes. She was unable to move anything and her body felt disconnected. She could see a young couple. They were smiling at her, so she smiled back. She had a floating feeling and thought she might be dreaming. When the woman kissed her on the mouth, she knew it was real. She returned the kiss and relaxed.

The man suggested that they undress her and look her over more carefully and the woman said,

“No way!”

The disappointed husband started thinking. He looked at the chloroform bottle and cloth and had an idea. He told his wife that she should look her over and that he would look the other way. She made him go to the other side of the room.

The woman gently began unzipping Melissa’s boots. Then she easily slipped them off and placed them on the floor. Next she undid her shorts and pulled them down and off. Melissa was aware of what was happening and could not move and didn’t care. The woman lifted her up and untied her halter top. This was lifted over Melissa’s head and put aside. Then she lowered Melissa back onto the table on her back.

The husband had moved over to the chloroform bottle and had it open. He poured some on the white pad the doctor had left. Then he came over and made like he was going to put Melissa to sleep. Before the wife could protest he grabbed her and held the cloth over her face. The wife fought hard and made some muffled sounds. Then Melissa saw the pretty wife go limp in her husband’s arms. He held the cloth on her for a while and then lowered her into the doctor’s chair and rested her limp head on the back of it.
Melissa was helpless as he now placed the cloth over her face. She inhaled normally and was under in about 30 seconds.

The man smiled and stepped back and admired his now helpless companions. His wife would be mad! It would be worth it though. She had put him through hell over this baby thing and it was about time he had something for himself! He pulled off Melissa’s pantyhose and admired her in just her panties for a few minutes. Then he slowly removed those as well. She was breathtaking. He played with her limp form for a while and then put her panties and pantyhose back on.

Then he moved her sideways so he could put his wife on the table. After he placed his limp wife on her side, he moved Melissa to the chair and rested her there. She moved slightly as he settled her in. He poured more chloroform on the cloth and held it on her once more. She went out instantly and he gave her a long whiff to keep her under for a while.

He left Melissa in the chair and turned his attention to his wife. He laid her out on the table and slipped off her high heeled pumps. Then he unzipped her skirt and pulled it from around her and slipped it off. Her red panties looked awesome under her sheer silky hose. He lifted her up and unhooked her bra next. Then he pulled it out of the way and played with her tiny nipples. He took the bra the rest of the way off and laid her back down on the table. She was waking up!

When the wife awoke she was dizzy and confused. He spoke to her softly. He told her he was really hot seeing Melissa undressed on the table unconscious and he couldn’t help himself. He had to have her that way! Oh well, at least he was undressing her and not Melissa she thought. She looked over and saw Melissa still dressed the way she had left her. She was asleep though.

The husband said that he put Melissa back to sleep so she couldn’t watch him worship her body. The wife was astounded! He had put her to sleep to worship her body. It wasn’t about Melissa. She was relieved. Then he said he was going to finish undressing her now.

To his surprise his wife asked if he wanted to put her back to sleep first. He didn’t bother to answer. He picked up the bottle and soaked the white pad. His wife was very excited as she watched him. This time she didn’t struggle. She smiled and inhaled deeply. She went out suddenly after about 20 seconds. The husband was hotter than ever. Putting her out by force was a real turn on, but for some reason this was even better! He finished stripping his wife and played with her for an hour. He had to pause and give Melissa and the wife more of the cloth again in between though.

Finally they were finished, and the wife dressed herself. Then she helped her husband redress Melissa. They agreed she would be the donor hands down. Melissa was still under when the men came back and strapped a newly soaked cloth on her. She was rag doll limp as she was carried to the car. Once again the man took her halter off for the ride back. Then he replaced it and they took her back inside. She was placed on the gurney and wheeled back to the room. Then she was carried inside and placed on her bed. The men slipped off Melissa’s boots and covered her with her blanket and left.

Kim was still on her bed. Her boots were still off. She got up and walked around the room. She was still a little dizzy from all the drugging. Suddenly she heard voices in the hall, and got back on her bed and pretended to be asleep. She heard 2 men enter the room. The one said,

“It’s time to get her ready for the doc.”

Kim opened her eyes and tried to look but the men were masked. The other man had brought in the gurney and was holding what looked like a Buck Rogers space gun in his hand.

The men helped Kim onto the gurney and laid her on her back. They didn’t strap her this time. The one man held the funny looking gun against Kim’s neck and pulled the trigger. Kim heard a chirp sound and a burst of air and felt a sharp sting on her neck. She opened her mouth to say ouch, but the word never came. Her eyes suddenly closed and her head turned to the side with her mouth still open. Kim was out again.

The men quickly removed her clothes and placed them on the lower shelf of the gurney. They put her boots there as well. Then they placed a white hospital gown on Kim’s limp body.

The doc had arrived. He wasn’t masked. That’s why Kim had been knocked out for the examination. He took her temperature and examined her breasts. Her temperature was slightly elevated and her breasts were a little swollen. He gave her an internal exam next. She was ready. She would be taken to surgery immediately. He went to call the other Dr and told them to bring in Julie and get her prepped as well. Then he gave Kim an injection in the hip. It was a powerful pre op sedative. The men wheeled Kim into the outer room next to the operating room and left her there. She was still unconscious so she wasn’t strapped down or watched.

Julie was excited as she reached the Dr’s office in the clinic. It was finally time for the implant. She wondered how they would put her to sleep. The Dr told her to lie on her back on the examination table. He pulled her dress up and her pantyhose and panties down out of the way and gave her a shot in the hip. Then he told her to lie still for a few minutes and relax. Julie had a warm fuzzy feeling and a floating sensation almost right away.

The Dr came back in the room and opened a glass cabinet and took out a bottle of chloroform and a white gauze pad. He poured some on the pad and gently held it over her face. Then he told her to relax and breathe deeply. Julie was smiling as she deeply inhaled the sweet fumes. Within 15 seconds her eyes were fluttering rapidly. Then they suddenly closed and her head fell to the side with her mouth slightly open. The Dr pulled the cloth away and removed all her clothes. He left them in the office and put her limp body in a hospital gown. She could not know that she left the building.

The 2 men came in the back door with a gurney. The first man soaked a washcloth with chloroform and strapped it on Julie’s face. Then they took her to a car out back and moved her to the abandoned university building. Once she was inside, she was placed on another gurney and wheeled in next to Kim. The chloroform cloth was removed.

Kim woke up and looked around. She was in a hospital gown in a room that resembled a nurse’s office. There was another girl on a gurney near her. She was unconscious and also in a gown. Kim could hear voices. She closed her eyes and pretended to still be out.

The heavyset nurse with the stocking over her head entered the room. She checked the girls. They were both out for now. After a few minutes Julie started to wake up. The nurse grabbed a cotton pad and poured some chloroform on it. Then she held it over Julie’s mouth and nose. Julie smiled and inhaled deeply again and went out quickly. Then she was wheeled into the operating room. Kim was wheeled in next and was moved to an operating table by the nurse and the Dr.

Kim lay perfectly still and limp and listened carefully. She was heavily sedated and could not move anyway. Her hearing was dulled and everything sounded like she was under water. She had to learn something soon. They would knock her all the way out any minute! She felt a hose being tied around her right arm. Then there was the familiar sting of a needle. The IV was installed. Then she felt a rubber mask on her face. There were muffled words being said but she couldn’t make them out. She didn’t dare open her eyes.

The nurse turned the gas on fully. It was a mixture of Halothane and Nitrous Oxide. It was scented with a sweet fruit like smell. Kim inhaled slowly. It was pleasant and not like the strong smell of the chloroform. Then the Dr injected 2 CC’s or Pentothal into Kim’s IV. It was twice the amount needed to completely knock her out even if she was fully awake. Kim was 80 per cent out from the sedative and 90 per cent out from the gas. She never knew what hit her. The totally unconscious Kim automatically inhaled more and more of the potent sleeping gas.

As Kim was drawing herself ever deeply under, Julie was fitted with an IV and gas mask of her own. She was barely awake when the gas was turned on. She lay there inhaling the sweet fumes as the Dr injected her IV with the Pentothal. Her head fell limp instantly.

The operation went quickly and both girls were wheeled out into the nurse’s office for recovery. Kim’s gown was removed and the nurse re-dressed her in her clothes. Kim woke up as she was being wheeled back to her room. She was still pretty groggy and didn’t know what was going on. Once back, the men helped her off the gurney and laid her out on her bed. Once again the man held the space gun up to Kim’s neck and pulled the trigger. She felt the sting and passed out instantly. The man then removed her boots and covered her up with the blanket. Then he turned a dial on the gun and shot Kim again. Her limp body jumped as the gun fired the burst, but Kim never felt it. She would sleep for 8 hours now. The men left the room.

Julie woke up feeling dreamy in the outer office. The 2 men were there for her now. The one soaked a washcloth with chloroform and held it over her face. After she was out, he strapped it on her for the transport. Then they took her now limp body to the car. Julie never really knew she was awake. She went under again in a few seconds. The men took her back to the clinic and placed her on the table. The Dr removed her gown and re-dressed her in her regular clothes.

Her husband was called in. She was ready to take home now. When her husband came in, Julie was still out. Boy did she look hot that way he thought. He helped her down and out of the room after she woke up and took her to his car. On the way home she passed out again and slept the rest of the way there. When he went to help her into the house she woke up and kissed him deeply. Then he cradle carried her inside. Once inside he placed her on the bed and started to undress her. She stopped him and asked if he would please get the chloroform and put her to sleep first. She didn’t need to ask twice!

He went to the dresser and got the bottle. Then he went to the bathroom and got a washcloth and folded it into a pad. He poured the chloroform on it and held it over Julie’s beautiful face. The he told her to relax and breathe deeply. She went under swiftly and deeply. Then he undressed her ever so slowly and put her to bed. Then he got in with her and made love to her sleeping body.

Melissa woke up first and tried to wake Kim up. Kim was as limp as a rag doll and wouldn’t budge. She stayed that way for hours. Melissa was really worried. Finally Kim woke up. She was very groggy and had to stay in bed.

The men came back and brought food and drinks for the girls. When they left they said that they would not be bothered for a while and to relax. Kim would be released in a few days.

Kim was worried. They would no doubt drug her and leave her somewhere, and she would never know where she had been and what happened. Apparently they weren’t through with Melissa yet. Maybe she would still have a chance to learn something after all. If she could only sneak out and have a look around. Perhaps when they come for Melissa next time…
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Old 16-02-10, 11:37
larrydude larrydude is offline
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You really should consider publishing these. Maybe in an adult magazine. Much talent here.
Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 18-02-10, 09:17
notaspam notaspam is offline
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Default WOW

This is just great!! I cant wait to begin writing my own stories! I'm busy with studies but just wait
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Old 18-02-10, 12:53
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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I wrote most of my stories while I was busy working! Just open a blank word document, title it "story," leave the window open as you multitask, and look around your regular life for triggers as to the plot and characters. Use the first name and physical description of some hot teacher, co worker, or fellow classmate. You know, the same one that you have been chloroforming and having your way with in your mind for some time now, and go from there. Write it paragraph by paragraph as you go and keep e mailing it back to yourself at your next location if you don't have a laptop. The title will just come to you one day as you see something around you. Then copy and paste it into this section. Good luck!
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