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Old 26-06-13, 08:54
SVerberghe SVerberghe is offline
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Default Two Gymnasts in a Limousine

Besides the sedation, knock-out and sleepy scenes, this story also contains a part about mind control. The dynamics between the driver and his hypnotic puppets tend to lean against a bdsm-type of master/slave relationship. So maybe don't read it, if you're not into that. Also there are some erotic scenes, but i tried to tone it down on the graphic descriptions

The Limousine

Youri drummed at the beat of the music on the steering wheel of the limousine. Through narrow streets, allong cannels and coffeeshops he drove to the hotel. Earlier tonight he had dropped of the sisters here to attend some sort of charity dinner. It was early still. They didn’t expect him for another twenty minutes, but he was so excited he couldn’t wait any longer. He drove the car in front of the big white hotel, next to the red carpet was a porter. He nodded friendly, and Youri briefly nodded back.

He had been a limousine driver for almost eight months now. It started of as a dull student job, so he could pay his study, biochemical sciences. Quickly his little part time job transformed into something else. In the first week already he started fantasizing about the women he had to drive. What if he laced the drinks in the mini-bar with rohypnol? The backseat of the limo would be big enough so he could have his way with them. He would unzip their expensive evening gowns, and fondle their creamy white or solarium tan breasts.

After a few weeks just fantasizing wasn’t enough anymore. In the laboratory of his university he copied the active substance of rohypnol. He didn’t turn it into pills but just shoved the powder into a resealable bag. He drove the men and the couples around without any enthusiasm, untill he was chauffeur to a woman alone that Friday night. He dissolved a little scoup of powder in the bottle of champagne. In the rearview mirror he could later see how the woman, which he vaguely recognized as a politician, started to jawn and niddle-noddle. Her head slowly sank forwards and she jerked it up, again and again. Lastly she gave in and fell asleep on the cream collored lether cushions.

After he hid the car in a dark parking garage, he sat besides her, trembling al over. He squeezed his arm behind her back, her head rolling limp against his shoulder. He kissed her, and groped her, and in the end he brought her back home. She never filed any complaints. And how could she? She’d probably didn’t remember a thing.

When Youri wasn’t working, he was at the university laboratory experimenting with other and newer sedation substances. He had installed a big tank with anaesthetic gas underneath the back seat. A small almost invisible rubber tube popped out between the leather cushions. His most recent research was to a substance that he himself would refer to as Eilurya. It had sedative properties, it would make his victims very vurnarable to his hypnotic suggestions, and with a few adjustments it now also created an insatiable arrousal accompanied by an addiction to cum. It wasn’t perfected yet, but he knew he was getting close.

Some of his former clients seemed to ask for him specifically whenever they ordered a limousine and they conformed their clothing to his hypnotic instructions. Like the red headed journalist, he had given a teaspoon full of Eilurya two weeks ago. Yesterday he drove her around again. She was wearing the leather boots and the grey skirt he’d asked her to. She had been blushing and giggling, and on his mark she collapsed like a rag doll. After that it wasn’t any effort to inject her and turn her hypnotic sleep into a proper nap.

Youri smiled as he remembered the events of last night. He watch at the red carpet and the hotel entrance, flanked by two enormous green plants and still the same porter. He fiddled with the radio nervously, then he opened the mini-bar and looked once again whether the rohypnol was dissolved properly. Today would be his first time sedating two woman at once. Two sisters for that matter. They were from Norway and had come to the Netherlands for a gymnastics competition. He had driven them around all day and he would only have to bring them back home tonight. From Amsterdam to Almere, the ride wouldn’t take more than half an hour. I was a small timeframe to let the rohypnol do its job. Perhaps he could make up some construction work so they had to take a detour, or he could always use the gas of course. However it took a lot of gas to fill the rear cabin with a concentration that would knock someone out, and the gas was much more expensive than the rohypnol.

Finally the two sisters came out. The youngest one, Elin, wore a fuchsia pink dress, her blonde hair was rolled thightly into a bun, with every here and there an escaped curl. She staggered on her high heels and giggled tipsy, her movements were exuberant. The oldest one, Britta, also was a blonde, even though the frizzy hairs around her face were slightly darker. She moved with graze and caringly put an arm around her swaying sister.

‘Good evening,’ she said when she entered the car.

Elin immediately opened the fridge in the minibar and took out the bottle of champagne.

‘Don’t.’ Her older sister sighed. ‘You’re already drunk enough.’

‘So what,’ Elin said. ‘I won this afternoon, and afterwards we had to go straightaway to that stupid charity of yours. Aren’t I allowed to celebrate and have some fun? We are free now, we don’t have to do anything for the next three days.’ With her thumbs she pushed the lid of the bottle. A pop sounded and the cork shot through the car. She drank the first glas in one go and poured herself a second one.

‘Well suit yourself, but I’m not going to spend any of my very rare spare time above a toilet holding your hair, just because you’re hangover again,’ Britta said, she turned her back on her sister and stared out of the blinded windows.

He could see Elins coordination dropping fast. She spilled champagne on her sisters silky blue dress. It got her some cranky snarling. She tried to reply, but her tongue wasn’t cooperating. ‘Donnnn worrrrrry, Brittttaaa.’ Her movements uncontrolled, her limbs languid and cumbersome. Again she brought the champagne up to her mouth and she poured the last drops into her mouth. The glass slipped from her fingers, but it was empty anyway. Her body swaying in all directions, her head was lolling on her shoulders. Over the soft lether couch she slid closer to her sister, trying to make amends. Het mouth didn’t produce anything but a slurring: ‘Briiiiittttt – ’ At once her head slumped onto her sisters shoulder. Her lips parted and from deep within her came a soft snorring.

Youri saw it all in the rearview mirror. The excitement in his loins grew. One down, one to go. It din’t look like the second sister was going to have anything from the minibar, and eventually he had to close the dividing window, so he could turn on the anaesthetic gas. While he was driving to through the wide open landscapes, only surrounded by flat meadows, the gas was blowing from between the leather backseat into the car.

‘Sorry sir, could you open a window please? I’m a bit light headed,’ Britta asked.

Youri pretended not to hear. Britta struggeled with the heavy mushy limbs of her sister, and tried to push the sleeping girl away from her.

‘Ssiiiirrrrrr,’ she said when she had finally set herself free. Her words transformed into a jawn. She tried to get up, but she sank to her knees directly. Over the floor of the limo she craweled to the divider, she tapped against the glass. ‘Plllleassse, ssssttoppp fffforrr a whilllle.’

Youri send the car to the emergency lane. He turned around and at ease he watched the girl getting more and more sedated by the gas that filled the whole rear cabin by now. She was already to dazed to get up and leave the car by herself. She was kneeling in front of the window. From her mouth emerged some slurred syllables, that were probably a cry for help. Youri turned of the gas, there was still plenty in the cabin and she wouldn’t be able to do anything but just breathing it in.

Her eyes rolled backwards. Again and again she found the strenght to face him with a pleading look for help. But still the slivers of white kept appearing, her body swaying wildly, the anaesthetic gas made her more and more sleepy, more and more weak and powerless , her head fell against the dividing window, her body slid away from under her and she streched out on the floor of the limo.

Youri reignited the engine. He turned the car around and drove to the house of his uncle. Actually it was his house now. Two years ago he inherited a small ruinous farm next to an abandonned road. He had tried to sell it, and pay his tuition that way, but because of the economical crisis, selling property wasn’t that easy. And ever since he brought his first sleeping victim here, he had removed the “for sale” sign from the garden and redesigned the interiour parts, to make it more suited for his little plans. He drove the limousine onto the grass, and carried the youngest sister in first. Elin was limp as a rag from both the rohypnol and the sedative gas. He craddle carried her, her arms dangled limply down, her mouth was open.

He laid her down on an examination table in the middle of the living room, and even though she wouldn’t wake up for a while, he still bound her unresisting arms and legs. Thereafter he returned to the car and lifted the second sister. This one he carried over his shoulder, she was softly moaning. Once inside he looked around to see where he could place her. Everything was arranged arround having one sleeping puppet. He decided tot put her on the dusty couch. Her eyes opened, slurring sounded from her lips. Youri was slightly amazed she wasn’t completely knocked-out, she had to be a stong willed person.

He caressed her cheek. Then he grabbed the sciccors and cut open the evening gown of the dazed girl. Beneath glissened the lycra of her leotard. He stroke the smooth fabric, the hormone-held small breasts, her toned tummy. With one finger he slid under the elastic fabric, he canoodled her cleanly shaven skin. Britta groaned and pulled on her bounds.

‘How about we give you something, so you’ll sleep just as thight as your sister?’ he asked tenderly.

The girl must have understood what he ment, because she started to shake her head. Her eyes full of fear. ‘Nnnnnoooo,’ she said with an intoxicated tongue still. ‘Iii donnnn’t wannnnnt....’

Youri didn’t care about the slurring pleas and prepared a syringe. He pressed the neelde into her perfectly rounded bum right there were the leotard ended, and slowly he pushed the milky white fluids into her struggling body.

‘Wherrrrre isssss Elinnnn?’ she asked, her kicking and squirming subsided. Her eyes blinking. Youri sat down beside her. He petted the girl, he intended to comfort her, but he just couldn’t control himself. His hands wandered towards the shiny lycra, he tore appart the leotard and unzipped his pants. While the strong sleep medication that he had injected, slowly confiscated her mind, he did the same to her body and thrusted himself inside her. Her fluttering eyes, her slurring voice, her limbs getting weaker and weaker, it was almost enough to push him over the edge right there and then. He moved back and forth and when her head slumped to the side he reached his peak.

Panting, he lied on the sleeping Britta. His blood still throbbing. He waited untill the last waves of pleasure had glidden through his body. Then he stood up, got a can of Red Bull from the fridge and walked back into the living room to admire his catch. For three days he could have his way with them. Three days before they needed to be on a plane back to Norway. Enough time to indulge his lusts, to perfect Eilurya and maybe he could even test run his tranquilizer gun. O, how awesome it would be if the gun would work, then he wouldn’t be dependent of the clients he was appointed by the limousine company, then he could chose any victim he wanted. Again he brought the can of Red Bull to his lips, the disgusting sweetness made him quiver, still he kept on drinking, after all he could use all the energy there was, tonight and the upcomming days.

He bathed and massaged the girls, he changed their clothes several times. He positioned the youngest one on the couch, as though she was his girlfriend and they had been watching television when she fell asleep on his lap. He examined their bodies, the soft skin, the firm little breasts, the damp spots between their legs. He kissed them everywhere, he tasted them. Only when the dawn was breaking through the sky in red patches and outside the birds twittered frantically, the sisters started to stir. Youri tied Elin again on the examination table, in spread-eagle position. Britta he bound in hog-tie position on the couch. He himself took a seat next to the kitchen table so the girls wouldn’t be able to see him.

It took another fifteen minutes before the youngest one started to talk. ‘Britta?’ she asked.

‘Elin, are you there?’

‘Where are we Britta? What happened?’

‘I don’t know. Where are you? Are you tied down aswell?’ Britta asked. She was lying with her face towards the couch, she wouldn’t be able to see anything but the beige cushions.

‘Yes,’ Elin said, ‘on some sort of table.’ She started crying. Tears ran down her pale cheeks, her sobbing filled the living room. Her older sister tried to sooth her. She suggested they might have been kidnapped for the money, or by one of their competitors who wanted to make sure they wouldn’t attend the next competition. Youri just sat and listened with a big smile, until he had enough.

‘Mouths shut,’ he ordered.

The youngest one squeeled. ‘Britta, who’s there?’ she asked.

‘What part of “mouths shut” don’t you understand?’ He walked towards the table and leaned in so she could see him and he could look straight into her fearfull dove colored eyes. She pressed her lips together. He stroke her chin.

‘Who should we train first, you or your sister?’ he asked.

The girl just looked scared and didn’t say a word.

‘Lets start with you and force your sister to watch, isn’t that a fun idea?’

She tried to shake her head within the limited space she had.

‘No? You don’t like that idea?’ Youri asked teasingly. ‘How bothersome for you, because we’re still going to do it that way.’

The tranquilizer gun was just as black and frightening as a real gun. He kept it pointed at the oldest sister, while he untied her and ordered her to take a seat on a wooden kitchen chair. He wrapped the ropes around her ankles and waist and writs until she was securely bound. Unable to go anywhere. Youri turned the chair so that she could view her sister on the table. Then he got out a thick syringe filled with Eilurya, he pried open Elins mouth and he let a few drops fell onto her tongue. I didn’t take long before her eyes glazed over and her pulling and seizing stopped.

‘You are feeling warm and foggy and blissfully relaxed, aren’t you?’

The girl nodded.

‘And between your legs something starts to tingle, it is getting warmer and warmer, and maybe you’re a little arroused.’ Youri talked in a soft hypnotic voice. ‘You are unable to stop your hips from rocking, you desperatly want to rub yourself against anything.’His hand floated above her panties, but no matter how she wiggled and jerked she was unable to push her crotch against his fingers. It didn’t stop her from trying though.

‘Elin, behave yourself,’ Britta yelled.

‘You would like some more of those drops, wouldn’t you? So you’d feel even more pleasurable and more drowsily.’

The girl nodded.

‘Open wide,’ Youri said.

Obediently her lips slid apart. With his thumb on the plunger of the syringe he dropped another three drops of Eilurya on her tongue. She eagerly swallowed and licked her lips.

‘Now you’re even more arroused. There is nothing that you rather want than me touching you, and if my fingertip would graze your skin accidently, you won’t be able to surpress any moaning.’ Youri stroke his thumb across her knee. Deep within Elin sounded a groan of pleasure. As soon as he removed his hand, the girl yanked on her bonds, she tried to turn her hips towards him and she produced whining and pleading noices.

‘Elin, don’t be such a slut,’Britta said angrily. She couldn’t get of her chair and she was forced to see how her sister had turned into his obliging slave within half an hour.

‘You want me to touch you again?’ Youri asked.

‘Yes,’ the girl said.

‘”Yes, Master,” would be the appropriate response.’

The girl didn’t know how fast she should squeeze a ‘yes, master’ past her lips.

‘I only caress really obedient girls, are you going to be a good girl?’

‘Yes, Master.’

‘Are you going to do anything i tell you to?’

‘Yes, Master.’

‘Even if it makes your sister think you’re a slut?’

‘Yes, Master.’

‘Well then, very good.’ As a reward he tittilated her foot. The girl closed her eyes in pleasure. ‘Open your mouth,’ Youri said. Again he dropped a few of the sedative hypnotizing drops onto her little tongue. With a satisfied moan, she welcomed the muzzyness that flooded her mind and body.

‘I want you to lie perfectly still,’ Youri said.

‘Yes, Master,’ the girl mumbled. Carefully he tugged on the cuffs, every time he accidently or on-purpose pressed his skin against hers her body would spasm and moan. Automatically followed by a ‘Sorry Master,’ and a determined attempt to lie perfectly still untill the next time it happened. She was powerless against the artificial pleasures.

‘Elin, you’re free, come here and untie me now,’ Britta yelled.

But Elin remaind motionless on the table, possessed by his hand that glided through the air three inches above her body. She bit her lip and moaned seductivly everytime he would approach her panties, but she did not move.

‘I’m very pleased with you,’ he said to Elin, ‘I like my girls obedient. You’ve earned it to touch me, come from the table now and kneel.’

The young gymnast did excatly what he told her to, on his mark she kissed his shoe and only when she got the permission to slowly move up, she started to kiss his trousers, his knees, his thighs his zipper. He gave her a few more drops of Eilurya and then planted the suggestion that she wanted nothing more than to take him into her mouth. She was still kneeling and she looked up to him with her big begging puppy eyes. A shiver went through his spine. He pushed his trousers and his boxer down. Her hands reaching out for him.

‘Did i told you, you could?’ he asked.

‘No Master, Sorry Master,’ the girl said.

‘Open wide,’ he ordered. He rubbed a few drops of Eilurya on his skin and entered her mouth. Diligently she licked and sucked to imbibe all of the medicin, making her more sedated, more vurnarable to his suggestions, more arroused.

‘Elin, stop humiliatin yourself. You don’t want this Sis, it’s those stupid drops, just stop taking them.’ Britta yelled in vain.

They both ignored her. Youri held back a moan and kept on talking to Elin in his soft hypnotich voice. ‘When my cum enters your mouth, you’ll surrender completely to me, you will have an orgasm a thousand times more intens then you are used to, your body will simply melt and weaken from so much pleasure. You don’t want to move anymore, the only thing you desire is becoming a limp sleepy puppet for me to use.’

With his hand in between her blonde curls he pushed her rythmicly back and forth. When he climaxed the girl started moaning and shaking. ‘O my god,’ she barely uttered, before her muscles melted and she slumped down. He lifted the powerless girl from the ground and laid her down on the table. He crawled on top of her, rubbed himself against her until he was hard and throbbing again, then he entered her.

The second load had if possible an even bigger effect then the first one. Afterwards he slid of the table and send her to the kitchen to fetch him something to drink. A moment later she complaisantly kneeled and offered him a glass of water. Yes, he had perfected Eilurya by know, he petted her behind her ear and she nestled her head onto his upperleg.

When he was well rested and he’d regained some of his strenght, he pushed her aside. ‘Time to start training your sister.’ He walked over to the recalcitrantly struggling Britta. It would be a shame to turn her into a willing subservient. She was so strongly spirited, he should use it and have some more fun with it first. From the cupboard he grapped a bottle of chloroform, he poured the liquid over a shining leotard he’d ripped of one of their bodies yesterday.

‘Squeeze this against your sisters face,’ he said to Elin.

‘No. No, Elin, don’t. Don’t listen to him. I’m your sister. I’m your sister Elin, don’t you remember?’ Britta yelled. More of her pleading was muted by the lycra. Youri watch her writhe for a while, then he stood behind Elin, he breathed against her ear, he kissed her neck and pressed the leotard firmly over the nose and mouth in front of them.

‘It is tingling, deep down in your tummy, the tingling grows and grows, it becomes warmer and more overwhelming everytime your sister inhales more of the chloroform,’ he said in his hypnotic voice. Both arms wrapped around the young woman. Britta’s eyes dim, her muted screams fainted, her head rolled from side to side, her eyes rolled back, slithers of white behind fluttering eyelids. ‘If you want to orgasm you have my permission,’ Youri wisperd in the small ear in front him. Elin surrendered immediately, moaning, her body shaking in al directions, she was heavy and languid in his arms. He held her hand with the chloroformed leotard firmly in place, and a few moments later Britta finally fell limp in her bondage.

He lifted the unconcious girl on the table and mounted her, with his knee he pried her legs open and he thrusted himself inside her.

‘Master, can I go again?’ Elin asked. She stood next to the table and watched envious how he entertained himself with her sister.

‘You would like that, wouldn’t you?’

She nodded enthusastically.

‘Lets make a deal,’ he said. He described to her, where she could find a syringe and how to fill it up with a powerfull sedative, then he ordered her to inject herself. She obeyed. She pressed the thin silver neelde trough her skin an shot the milky white medicin up her arm. ‘Now I want you to stand there, with your legs spread apart and arms behind your back, so i can see you perfecly. If you’re still standing there when i’m finished with your sister, you can go again.’

‘Thank you, Master,’ the girl exclaimed cheerfully. She was standing askance from him and while he moved back and forth over Britta in a steady rythm, he kept a close eye on Elin. It didn’t take long before she started to sway, her arms dangling limply down, she was nodding of.

‘Elin,’ he said in a strickt tone of voice, ‘what did we agree upon?’

‘I’mmmm sorrrrrry massssterrrrr,’ she said. She pressed her lips firmly togheter, on her face the delightfull determination that she undoubtedly also had when she wanted to win a gymnastics competition. But she wouldn’t be able to win this little competition. Even though the medicin she injected herself with was a slowly acting agent, she wouldn’t sustain long. She was weltering on her legs, every now and then her eyes would roll back, and he would see slithers of white appearing behind her frantically blinking lashes, her head slumped to her chest, her knees bending down frightfully far, then she collapsed, she lied limply on the floor, helplessly deep asleep.

When he finished he also injected Britta with the same somnifacient, so both girls would be deeply under for a few hours and he could get some sleep himself. After all he had been awake for over twenty four hours now and he had still two more days to do with the sisters as he pleased. He tied them both down in case they would accidentally wake before him and then he went to bed.


When he awoke a few hours later, he checked both girls, they were still far away in dreamland. He injected them with another dose and drove back to the city to get some food. He returned with three hot pizza’s. He was hungry and started to eat. When the girls woke, he tried to feed them a slice, but he quickly got bored shoving the slices into their mouths. He gave Elin a few more drops of Eilurya to assure himself of her obedience and then he set her free. She could now eat herself and feed her sister while he busied himself with something more exciting. He sat at the table and for the umpteenth time he deconstructed his tranquilizer gun, he counted the darts and verified that they were all filled with the same amount of sedative. It was a habit. He had done this many times before as he thought out different scenario’s in his head. This time was different though, this time it was for real and if he came up with a feasable plan, he could carry it out this night.

He waited untill it was dark, then he forced the girls one at the time on a chair and bound them. The wrists of Britta not that thighly, so she should be able to excape. He forced them both to inhale just enough chloroform to daze them and then he sneaked out the front door, leaving it unlocked. He waited in the dark, squated behind his limousine. It took longer than he thougt, his left foot was all pins and needles and just when he wanted to throw the towel in the door opened.

‘Britta, wait,’ Elin said.

‘Wait for what? For that creep to return? No thank you.’

‘But Britta...’

‘Sst,’ her big sister ordered. She grabbed Elins wrist and forced her to follow her into the dark. Youri aimed his gun and pulled the trigger. The bang was more obtuse he’d expected, but the blowback was much worse. He hid himself in the face with the gun, a stingy pain in his lip and he tasted the metallic blood. He didn’t know whether he had hit one of the girls.

‘Britta, what was that sound?’

‘I don’t know, lets just keep on walking.’

He aimed again and shot.

‘Ouch,’ sounded through the dark night. Now he knew for sure. He followed the girls to see how far they would get after one dart. A few moments later he heard some rumbling and whispering.

‘Elin, what’s going on?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Just stand up and keep on walking before that freak comes back.’

‘I don’t want to walk anymore. I’m tired, and he’s not a freak.’

Youri approached them, so he could see what was happening. Elin sat slumped against a tree and Britta was bending over her, pulling on her will-less arm in an attempt to get her up. ‘You only say that because he has given you those stupid drops.’

‘You arrrrrre jussssst jealousssss,’ Elin said.

Youri aimed his gun, from this distance it was imposible to mis. He shot two darts in a row, the first one ended up in Britta’s shoulder the second one in her firm bum. She was no match for the double dose that was now spreading through her mind and body, she fell limp into her sisters lap.

‘Britttttta?’ Elin asked.

Now Youri came out of his hiding place. Elin looked up to him, in a daze she tried to smile. ‘Heyyyy youuuu,’ she mumbled.

‘You’re so sleepy, just surrender now, give in to the slumbers, you’re safe now, you know i’ll take care of you.’

‘Yes, Massssstttt – ’ Her eyes shut before she could finish her sentence.

Once inside he removed the blue feathered darts from their skin carefully. He entertained himself with the girls, with their limp bodies. Britta was totally down and out, but Elin would drifted in and out of oblivion, she’d stare around groggily and murmer. He stroke her befuddled face, dropped some more Eilurya in her mouth, and started talking to her in his soft hypnotic voice. He could make her do whatever he wanted, make her feel whatever he wanted, make her think whatever he wanted. Orgasm after orgasm passed through her body, just because he said she had his permission to climax if she wanted to.


On the last day, just before he should return them, he started to train Britta in a similar way. At first she struggled, she refused to open her mouth. But after he’d forced a few doses on her tongue, she was squirming and begging for more. Just as desperate as her sister, she tried to tilt her hips up against his hand.

‘Very well then,’ he said after a while, unable to suppress a little smirk. ‘For a minute you can rub yourself against my fingers, but you won’t be able to climax.’

She whined, but as soon as his hand reached her panties, the whimpering noices transformed in to moans of pleasure. Her eyes closed in delight. Between her legs it was warm and moist. With an enormous enthusiasm she rode against his palm. After sixty seconds he removed his fingers. Indignantly she stared at him, and whining she pushed her hips up into te empty air.

He trained her, he talked to her with his mesmerizing voice, until she was a just as obient as her little sister. Elin had been watching, she sucked on her fingers and played with herself. A hand between her legs was busily moving. He let her have her way, she wouldn’t be able to finish without his permission anyway.

He climbed on top of Britta and thrusted himself inside her. Her reaction to his cum was fervid, her body trembling and rocking. She was screaming. After she had calmed down, he came down from the table. He pushed one finger inside her, a thin milky white fluid stuck to his skin. He held it in front of Elin and gave her permission to lick it of and go over the edge.

‘Thank you Master,’ she said afterwards. Exhausted she leaned backwards in her chair, still breathing heavily. ‘Can I have the rest of it also?’

‘What do you mean?’ Youri asked.

‘Can I lick the rest of your cum from her...’ She nodded to her sister, she was blushing.

‘I’ll will bring you back now, cause you two need to catch a plane,’ he said, ‘but what you do at home is your own business.’

He gave both girl a few drops of Eilurya and guided them into a deep hypnotic sleep. He made sure they wouldn’t remember anything from the past few days, and he even thought about planting some fake memories in their heads, so that if people asked about it, they would be able to answer about the tourist places they mock-visited. He carried them back to the limousine and told them again how addicted and depended of him they were.

The girls got out of the car, no longer in their evening gowns but in the ordinary jeans he’d gotten them. He watched them as they walked into their hotel to fetch their suitcases and tickets. Even though they wouldn’t remember, within a few weeks they would get the indomitable craving to visit Amsterdam again and let them drive around in a limousine, the same limousina as last time. His limousine.
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Old 26-06-13, 11:21
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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CBiscuit is just really niceCBiscuit is just really niceCBiscuit is just really niceCBiscuit is just really nice

Well done! I love the drops on the tongue.
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Old 26-06-13, 11:38
larrydude larrydude is offline
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Life can be such a "rip-off!"
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Old 27-06-13, 07:11
BC999 BC999 is offline
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superb, and very original. Thanks for posting!
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