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Old 20-05-13, 15:04
swrazor swrazor is offline
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Default Amethyst Episode 2

Six months after the battle with Enigma...

Cindi Remington sits on her couch with a whiskey bottle by her side, her mind is dulled by drunkenness. She has done a remarkable job hiding her mental state from her friends Robert, Bobbi and Katirina. She has found that alcohol is the only anesthetic for the pain of losing her twin sister Sadi.

"I missss yooou show muuush Sadi." She slurs, refilling her empty glass and then tipping her head back to receive more of the mind numbing liquid. When she sets the glass down she sees a figure standing in the middle of her living room. It is of a tall brown haired woman with honey colored eyes.

"Hello Cindi." The figure says.

"Whooo thefuuuuck arrrre yoooou?" Cindi ask through squinted eyes.

"My name dear is Elizabeth." says the figure.

"Ok Elizabeth how the hhhell didyooou get in hhherrre?" Cindi asked.

"How I got in here is unimportant. What is important is what I have to offer you. Go open your bedroom door." the odd woman said. Cindi looks bewildered, even in her drunken state but for some reason is compelled by curiosity, so she heads for her bedroom. What she sees when she opens the door makes her instantly sober.

On the bed is Sadi, dressed in the same white gown that Cindi and her friends buried her in months ago. "My god... S-sadi?" Cindy asked in utter disbelief.

"Go ahead and touch her." said the mysterious woman, who was now right behind her.

Still in shock Cindi crept up toward her bed cautiously, almost as if it could explode at any moment. She felt of her sister's hand, It was warm! Then she looked at Sadi's chest. Her heart nearly leaped from her own chest when she saw that Sadi was breathing! "Oh god Sadi, wake up. Please wake up." Cindi cried as she gently shook her sister but could not get her to stir.

"She is in a deep sleep. Bringing your sister back was not easy, I need something more before I can attempt to awaken her." said the woman. Cindi had been so focused on her sister, that she nearly forgot about the woman being there.

"Anything." says Cindi with no hesitation.

The woman smiles and says, "Well, this may seem a little strange..."

The woman is interrupted by Cindi, "I don't care. I'll do anything to have my sister back!"

The woman smiles again and replies, "Very well then, I am going to need you to bring one of your friends to me, the one they call Amethyst. I'm sure she will not come willingly so you may have to resort to "other measures." However you did say anything."

Cindi has a blank, almost cold look on her face. "She will be here by tomorrow morning." Cindi says callously.

"Very well then, I'll be waiting. Just make sure you bring her to me fully clothed." The woman replies.

"Why?" Cindi asked.

"That is not of your concern." The woman replies sternly. Cindi blinks her eyes for only a moment and when she re-opens them, Elizabeth is gone.


That night Cindi asked to stay at Kat's home and of course she accepts. Later in the evening, when her and Amethyst are watching TV Amethyst says, "I'm kinda tired, it feels good to unwind in front of the tube." This gives Cindi an idea. She could drug her friend and because Katirina is already tired, she probably wouldn't realize her drink had been drugged. "Say would you like some warm milk, It'll make you sleep good." She asked,

"Sure." replies Kat.

Cindi goes into the kitchen and pours two glasses of milk. She kicks herself when she realizes she only has over the counter sleep aides in her purse. "These will have to do." she mumbles. Then plops a couple of pills into her friend's cup. She walks back in the living room, handing Kat her cup of milk.

"Thanks Cind." her friend says smiling.

A little while later Katirina's head starts getting a little heavy and her eyelids start drooping. Cindi manages a couple of quick glances over at her friend and notices that her eyes are trying to roll a little as she fights to keep them open. Realizing she is fighting a loosing battle, Kat finally says, "I'm about to fall asleep sitting here, so I think I'll turn in."

"Ok." Cindi replies. "I'm gonna wait a bit before hitting the hay myself."

"K, good night Cindi." Kat replies then heads off to bed.

Cindi waits fifteen minutes, before going to her friend's bedroom. She slowly cracks the door and proceeds inside. She walks over to the bed and calls Kat's name a couple of times. "Kat?... Katirina?" When she doesn't stir, Cindi figures she is safe to proceed.

Knowing that the pills she used weren't as powerful as she would have liked, She figures she had better drug her further. But just in case the fumes awaken Kat from her slumber, Cindi decides she had better restrain her dear friend. She pulls back the covers and finds that Katirina is only wearing a pink bra and panties. To her further surprise, she is finding it very difficult to look away. She has never seen Kat like this before. Cindi makes herself refocus and picks one of the girl's arms up and lets it drop before slipping a pair of handcuffs around her wrist. She does the same with her other limbs.

She then produces a cloth and douses it with chloroform. "I'm sorry Kat. I hope some day you will forgive me." Cindi says, as she places the cloth over her friends nose and mouth.

The slumbering woman's eyes fly open and she immediately starts pulling against her bonds. "Mmmmmpppphhhh!!!! mmmmpppphhhh!!!!." She screams into the cloth but it is greatly muffled. She thrashes her head violently left and right and tries kicking her legs, but of course cannot.

Cindi watches her friend struggle the shock, quite visible in Kat's eyes. Cindi, then begins to cry a little as she holds the cloth in place saying, "I'm sorry Kat, just please go to sleep." She can hear her friend asking, What are you doing?, in between screams and grunts of exertion. The stout girl archers her body, lifting it several inches off the bed. Eventually though even Kat's will cannot withstand the sedating effects of the chloroform. Her struggles gradually slow and her protest descend into low sultry moans. Her eyes become glazed over and soon begin to float around drowsily.

Cindi begins stroking the fading agents hair while still apologizing. After about thirty seconds, Kat's eyes retreat druggingly up into her head as her eyelids drift closed over them. Cindi then re clothes her just as Elizabeth had instructed. Lifting Katirina gently off the bed, Cindi finds the tall beauty tough to hold but she manages.

Back at her place, Cindi puts the still slumbering girl on her couch and waits for Elizabeth. Suddenly she feels extremely dizzy, moments later everything goes black and she never feels herself hit the floor. When she awakens Elizabeth along with a strangely dressed woman with white hair and pink eyes stand over her.
"You have done well Cindi, you are truly worthy of your sisters love." Elizabeth says, turning towards the figure next to her. "Nyx please put this girl back to sleep, then we can leave with our prize." Nyx, simply nods.

Cindi looks confused. "Your prize? what do you?..." She is interrupted by Nyx's haunting voice. "Sleep now, little one." The words muddle Cindi's thoughts. "No... I... whatarrre yooou?..." "Hush now, sleep... you cannot fight it." The poor girl's eyes are lost and starting to lull around like marbles, along with her head.

In her last moments of consciousness Cindi realizes she's been duped. "Uuhh noooo... uuuuhhhh..."

Her body wilts just in time for Enigma to catch her. "Aww so cute..." Enigma says running her hands through Cindi's platinum blonde locks.

"Shall we leave now Dineeria?" Nyx ask.

"Yes but first we are going to revive this one's sister. After all, she has earned it." Enigma says, tousling Cindi's hair. "Besides, when Ms. Sadi and her other friends find out what little Ms. Cindi Lou Who here, did to get her back, they will hate her and that will destroy her much more cruelly than even I could. Now come.

Oh and Nyx, you know better than to call me by my true name here. So quit it."


Amethyst is sitting in a chair unbound as her mind comes out of the fog but she is still only half conscious. Suddenly she hears the voice of a familiar female. "I see my sleepy little angel is finally waking up." Amethyst droopy eyelids open. "There are those pretty eyes." Enigma continues.

Amethyst tries to speak. "E-enigma?..." she slurs.

"Oh I'm so happy you remember me Katirina. Enigma says, beginning to kiss her cheek lightly. "Stop. uuuhhh..." The helpless Amethyst groans. The woman's simple kisses send pleasure rippling through Amethyst entire body. "Aww, you don't want me to stop do you?" Enigma says, gliding A finger down the agents cheek. This causes Amethyst body to shutter with euphoria.

"Have to fight it... Ooooh..." She realizes her hands are free through her dreamy haze but as she goes to strike, Enigma kisses her cleavage softly and instead of hitting her Amethyst finds herself running her hands through Enigma's thick brown mane.

Enigma smiles saying, "You like that don't you sweetheart." "No I..." Amethyst starts to say no but is so confused .

The evil entity spider walks her fingers back up to Amethyst lips and touches them. "Have tooo... fight back..." she garbles. Amethyst opens her mouth to speak once more, "Shouldnnnn't le herrr toush meeee buuu iiittt feeels soooo gooood uuuummm... Enigma puts her finger in Amethyst's mouth just as she finishes speaking and the girl begins to suck on it sleepily as her eyes roll back in a drugged like motion.

Say you look like you're having fun sweetie." Enigma says, clearly entertained. "Let's get this jacket off of you."

Enigma makes sure to touch Amethyst's finger tips to keep her filled with pleasure while she slowly removes the girl's leather jacket. "Whaa yoooou doooiiiing? Donnn't..." Amethyst slurs. Her head lolls around as her body is being manipulated to remove the jacket.

"Such a sleepy girl you are." Enigma says, pulling down Amethyst's tank top next. She starts kissing the woman's breast, slowly moving toward her stomach.

"Uuuuuhhhh muuusss figh thiiiis... can't allow thiiiis tooo goooo on..." Amethyst slurs, just as Enigma starts tonguing her stomach. "Ohhhh uuuuummmmm..." Any thoughts of fighting quickly evaporates as pleasure rockets through the dreamy girl once more. She moans erotically as she takes her tongue and drowsily moves it across her own lips. "Mmmmmnnnnn..."

Soon enigma speaks again and says, "Let's get this beautiful belt off you Katirina." She slowly undoes Amethyst belt and then unbuttons her jeans, fully exposing her belly button. She begins to kiss it, as well as play with it with her moist tongue.

Suddenly Amethyst's body bucks and her back arches. "Oooohhhahhhh!!!! nooooo uuuuuhhh..." Amethyst lets out an orgasmic scream, then her body plops back down limp and exhausted."Well after that my dear I think we had better stop. Let me give you a good night kiss first though." Enigma says, as she moves up and french kisses Amethyst deeply.

Amethyst want's to resist but can't. She is overcome by both sleepiness and desire. She returns the kiss as best she can in her sleepy state but the kiss itself seems to siphon both her energy and consciousness from her. When Enigma withdrawals the kiss she says, "You look tired now angel. You should rest now." "Sssleeeeep?" Amethyst mumbles. "Yes you can sleep now my beauty,"

With that, she allows the girl's head to drop back as she watches Amethyst's jet black hair, spill down the back of the chair like crude from an oil drum. "Your crime fighting days are over my love. No one will find you, You are mine now." Enigma chimes in her thick Russian accent.

Cindi slowly returned to consciousness with the sensation of someone tapping her face. "Sis wake up Cin. Come on girl, Gittie up." A voice of a southern Georgia girl echoed in her ears as she slowly opened her eyes. Tears welled up in Cindi's eyes as she saw a face that mirrored her own looking back at her. It was her sister Sadi, alive and apparently well.

"Sadi!! Oh my god Sadi, you're alive! Elizabeth came through after all! Oh Sadi I love you so much." Cindi said, hugging the perplexed girl.

"Alive? acourse I'm alive. I feel like I done got hit by a raging Brahma bull but I'm definitely breathing." Sadi says pulling away from the embrace. Just then a cell phone rings, it gets both the twins attention when a voice is heard leaving a message.

Hi sis, this is Bobbi. Went by your house, your car was there but you weren't. Hope you're ok. Call me soon. I'm worried about you.

Bobbi Powers voice over the phone made Cindi remember the terrible act she had committed in order to save her dear sister. Sadi can see the look on her twins face and can feel her anguish. "What is it sissy?"

Cindi chokes out a few words terrified of her sisters reaction to them. "I have done something awful Sadi."

"Aw Cindi honey, you can tell me anything, I'm your sister." Sadi says stroking her sisters hair lovingly. Cindi hoped with all her heart that that would be true.

Cindi explains the whole story to Sadi, about how she died in the car crash a few months back, Cindi's desperate longing and grief for sister, the deal with the woman named Elizabeth, all of it. When she finishes she prepares for her world to come to a crashing end.

Instead, Sadi embraces her sister saying, "I think you hit your head a little hard when you fell hun."

"But it's true Sadi! Look at what yer a wearin. That's momma's gown, the one you wanted to be buried in." Cindi exclaims. For the first time Sadi looks at her clothes and realizes that Cindi is telling the truth.

"My god. You poor girl." Sadi says kissing the top of her siblings head.

"Don't worry I'll help you. The others don't have to know about what you've done. We'll get Kat back. You and me, just like we used to partner." Sadi says with a smile. Then continues. "You just need to call Bobbi and tell her that you and Kat are on a job and that it might be a day or two before ya all return. Ok?"

'"Ok. Thanks sis." Cindi replies.


Do you Robert take Katirina to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do. And do you Katirina take Robert to be your lawfully wedded husband? I do. Then you may kiss the bride... bride... bride... bride....

Amethyst is jarred from her dream by a light touch. She snaps awake. Her hands and feet are securely bound. She sees a short hooded figure in dark clothes, who looks just as startled as she at her sudden movement. "I'm sorry." the hooded figure says, speaking first. The voice sounds female but very timid. "I just wanted to check on you." She continues shyly.

"Why do you care?" Amethyst snaps. The figure recoils. "If you're going to torture me at least let me see your face you bitch." "But I..." The figure takes a few steps back, seeming almost wounded by Amethyst icy words. She stops and then slowly lowers her hood.

Before Amethyst stands a young woman 18 or 19 years old. She has dark reddish brown hair the color of cherry wood. Her eyes are gray and there is a genuine look of innocents in them. Though her physical age shows late teens, her mannerisms show far less. "I... I'm sorry I shall not bother you again." The girl says, turning to walk away.

"Wait." Amethyst says. The girl stops, then Amethyst continues. "You didn't come here to hurt me did you?"

"No. I think it's awful what's been done to you. I was trying to re button your clothes and loosen your bonds, to give you a little comfort." The girl says, her eyes full of compassion.

"What's your name?" Amethyst ask.

"I am Laleetriea. Daughter of Dineeria."

"Dineeria who is that?" Amethyst asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"You know her as Enigma." The girl replies.

"So that's the broads name." quips Amethyst. "Can you tell me more about her. I know she is not human. What is she, a, a Vampire?"

"No she is a succubus." says the girl.

"Well that explains a lot." says, Amethyst.

"I feel safe with you for some reason." says, Laleetriea. "You looked happy before I woke you. Who is Robert?" inquires the girl. Robert is my husband. Would you like me to tell you about him?" "Yes." The young woman answers inquisitively. To Amethyst's surprise, Laleetriea climbs up on to Amethyst lap. Which looks very odd considering her age. This girl is like a small child. Amethyst thinks to herself. "By the way my name is Katirina." Amethyst adds, before launching into her story.

Several minutes go by before Amethyst realizes that Laleetriea has fallen asleep and she appears to be dreaming. She mumbles,

"Mommy. What have you done to her? Mommy get up." Amethyst can tell the girl is in distress.

"Laleetriea. Laleetriea, wake up." The girl awakens as Amethyst puts two and two together. "That bitch must have killed this girl's family, then took her when she was young." Amethyst mutters under her breath.

"Did you say something?" the girl ask.

"Oh don't worry it was nothing." Amethyst says covering for herself. Just then the door to the room burst open, Nyx walks into the room flanked by Enigma's number three, Clark and another croni.

"Laleetriea!!!" Nyx yells. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

Amethyst whispers in the young woman's ear, "Stay calm, you loosened my bonds enough so that I can get free. Get up slowly and buy me a few seconds."

Nyx glares at both of them. "Laleetriea answer me when talk to you." When the girl does not answer, it only angers Nyx further. "Dineeria should have took care of you years ago." Nyx snarls. "Take her."

Just then, Amethyst springs from the chair making short work of the demon's entourage. Then it is a face off. Nyx begins her enthralling tone. "You don't want to fight you feel so sleepy." But for some reason Amethyst remains unaffected by Nyx's dire charm. This surprises even Amethyst who seizes the opportunity to punch Nyx dead in the face.

Laleetriea yells from across the room. "It's my ring. As long as I am near you Nyx can't use her sedating powers on you."

"Looks like your ace in the whole just got trumped you pink eyed bitch!" Amethyst boast.

"Foolish woman, if you think that is my only way for putting you to sleep your wrong." Nyx says as she delivers a body blow that doubles Amethyst over. As Amethyst groans Nyx finishes her thought. "I can just beat you to unconsciousness."

Amethyst manages to give Nyx a devastating shot to the face. However the unholy woman appears unfazed and almost seems to enjoy the pain. Smiling broadly, she executes a hook of her own that spins Amethyst a full180 degrees.

Now Laleetriea can see Amethyst's face. Her eyes are rolling severely, she is clearly out on her feet. "Katirina. Look out!!!" The girl yells. Just as Nyx pulls Amethyst's hair, yanking her head back hard. Amethyst is barely with it enough to even notice. Now Nyx also sees those beautiful eyes floating around unsure and incoherent.She watches her prey's body waver a few seconds listening to those delightful groans of helplessness. When satisfied she finishes her fun With a kick to the center of Amethyst back, which sends her flying. She crashes face first into a wall. Then lies motionless.

With her first target out of the way, she turns her attention to Laleetriea. "And now to deal with you." Nyx smirks. Let's see how you do without your precious ring." She grabs the girl's hand and squeezes hard before prying the ring from Laleetriea's finger and crushing it in her grip. "There. Now let's put you to beddy bye. been a very bad girl. "

Nyx can see the fear in the teen's pretty eyes. "You've never had this done before have you?"

"No, but I will fight it." The young woman says defiantly.

"I'm sure you'll try my dear. I am sure you'll try." Nyx sneers. "Aren't your eyes getting heavy. You feel like you've taken very powerful sleeping pills. Your eyelids are feeling sticky. They want to close."

"No..." Laleetria says, shaking her head, trying to block out the fiends haunting suggestions. But with each word she finds it harder and harder to resist, Nyx's seductive and sedating syllables, her eyes start to cross and look sleepy.

Nyx enjoys toying with her doll. "You look so tired now." Nyx continues. "You cannot think because it makes you so tired. You just need sleep."

Laleetriea is beginning to stumble now and her shoulders begin to sway side to side. The young woman tries to fight on by taking sleepy swings at Nyx but they merely brush up against her harmlessly. "Haaave toooo staaaay awake... muuuust fiiiight..." The girl's arms look heavy their movement is lethargic. Her head begins to tilt a little also as she finally starts to drift off

"Uuuuuhhhh..." Laleetriea moans as her head tilts even further then drops forward.

"Oh keep that pretty little head of yours up." Nyx says,almost stalking her prey. She takes her left hand and gently lifts the girl's chin, brushing hair away that has fallen into the drowsy teen's face. As this is done, with her eyes still rolling Laleetriea valiantly tries to speak.

"Y-yoooou leavvvv kaaaashallonnnne." Aw, the little sleepy girl is still trying to help her friend. How admirable." Nyx chimes.

The villain is poised to finish young Laleetriea off, her head is lolling around like a balloon and her young body is really swaying. "Sooo sleepy... You want to fall comfortably into my arms, don't you sweetheart." Laleetriea's eyes keep turning a milky what as they repeatedly roll back into her lazy head.

Meanwhile Amethyst has managed to pick herself up and grab a dropped weapon. Totally unprepared Nyx Suddenly feels a sharp pain in the back of her head, she stumbles but weathers the first one but before she can regain full faculties, a second one hits her.

For the first time Nyx looks human, her body falls to the ground, leaving a semi-conscious Laleestriea weaving on sleepy legs. The girl collapses just as Amethyst stumbles over to catch her. "Mmmm... I cannn ssstaaay awaake... Sssorrry Kaaa uuuuhhh..."

"Shhh. Come on we need to get out of here." Amethyst says still slurring a bit.


Through their street contacts, Cindi and Sadi are told that there is only one bar left where girls routinely come up missing after a hard night of drinking. The other one shut down because the owner mysteriously disappeared. What makes them believe this one is part of Enigma's operation is the fact that law enforcement tends to "leave this place alone."

"Now Remember the plan Cindi." says Sadi, "We will order drinks which I am sure will be laced with something. Then we will take our drinks into the restroom, pour them out and then re-fill the glasses with these beers hidden in our clothes. Finally we will act like we're drugged and when they take us away we'll plant the distress and tracker bug on their vehicle so Bobbi and the others can find us."

"Sounds good sug." Cindi replies with a smile.

They walk into this very ordinary looking bar and immediately notice that they are the only ones in the bar. They both agree that this is good because it insures that they will be selected as targets. They each order and receive their beers promptly. Following the plan, they proceed to the bathroom, empty their drinks, refill them and then return to their table.

After a few minutes they both begin to feel lightheaded and there vision has begun to blur. "Uuuuhhh... Whasss goiiing on sisss?..." Cindi says, her voice slurring and dragging. Her head is getting really heavy and keeps trying to dip.

"I... I donnn know sssomethiiingis wrrrrong..." Sadi says. She tries to get up but ends up falling back in her seat, moaning sleepily.

The two men have been watching from the bar. One can barely contain the bulge in his pants as he watches the two girls struggle to keep each other from passing out. The other one goes to the door and turns the open/close sign so that it reads closed. Then they both start to walk towards the table where the women are seated, gleefully listening to the two hottie's mumble drowsily to each other.

"Commme onnnnn Sss Sadiiii... yoooou gotta shhhtaaay awake..." Cindi slurs, drowsily slapping her sister as her own head bobs and rolls.

"Trrryiiiing... Sooo... soo tiiirrred..." Sadi garbles. Her shoulders are really sagging, she is almost out.

"Noooo Shhaaadiiii donshyooou leave meee hherrre alonnne... Wake uuuuppp..." Cindy murmurs.

As the two men reach the table they both revel in watching the two twins cutely fall into each other, their heads gently bumping as the both begin to micro nap. Their four little eyeballs rolling like marbles. "Good thing we put the drug around the edge of the glasses Mark." one of the men says,

"Yeah Duke, these two blondie's thought they could out wit us. But they were so wrong." The other replies. "Man these two are smokin. Listen to them moan it's like they're having sleepy orgasms or somethin." Mark says.

Duke turns Cindi's sleepy face towards him, her white eyes are in sleepy oblivion. He then kisses her deeply. All her drugged mind will allow her to do is moan and mumble. Mark on the other hand, has his attention fixed on a very sleepy Sadi. He turns her chair away from the table, causing her to almost fall out of the seat. He starts unbuttoning her blouse, while she moans druggingly.

As Sadi's head bobs groggily off the back of the chair, Mark gingerly leans her forward, causing her blond hair to fall into her face like a curtain. Duke finally says, "Let's lay these two ladies on the pool table. They look really tired."

The two carefully maneuver the women from their chairs and drag them over by their under arm to a pool table. Cindi's head turns sweetly to an adorable angle and she gives a soft groan as she is dragged. Plopping both sisters on to the table the two scuzballs continue their fun. Sadi is already out cold, so Mark enjoys some limp play with her.

Cindi however is stubbornly holding on to her consciousness by the slimiest of margins, she moans as her shirt is slowly undone button by button. He then kisses her neck lightly then meanders his lips to her cleavage. She lazily moves an arm every once in awhile and creases her brow while this is done. "Let's see what we can do about opening your little southern lock box babe. The creep slowly removes Cindi's boots then artfully undoes her belt buckle. He then unbuttons the girl's jeans.

He does all this with lustful precision, like he's working a puzzle in reverse. He starts to slide her pants down when she suddenly shifts her body. "Whaass yooou?... Stopppp nooooo... Sssadii mmmmm..." Cindi murmurs groggily. She flops her left arm on to Sadi's chest. Then she somehow raises her head off the table. "Whaasss goiiii onnnn..." She slurs, as her eyes roll back down and she tries looking at the hazy figure standing over her.

"Oh n n n no precious go sleepy bye." Says Duke.

He moves up and kisses the drowsy, disoriented girl sensuously. She accepts it on instinct and her head slowly lowers back on to the table. By the time Duke disengages the kiss poor Cindi is out like a light. He then proceeds to finish removing her jeans, revealing a pink thong.

Suddenly the door to the bar gets kicked open and a sexy brunette, wielding a baton in one hand and a gun in the other rushes the stunned perpetrators saying, "You get away from her you fucking assholes!" She pistol whips one and batons the other, dropping them with haste. "What the hell? Sadi? What in the fuck's going on here?" Says Bobbi bewildered. "You lied to me, your not with Kat. Why did you lie to me?" She ask an unhearing Cindi.

She tries to awaken them both but has no success. "You got some explain'n to do when you wake up missy. And it better be good."

End of part 1
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