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Old 28-12-16, 21:38
downboy downboy is offline
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downboy is on a distinguished road
Default Nothing Personal - Part 3

Chapter 10

Gillian moaned into the cloth secured in her mouth and strained against her bonds as she climaxed again. Through the fug of what seemed like a chloroform induced dream she tried to concentrate on the problem at hand and how to solve it but the combination of sexual stimulation and partial chemical sedation was not allowing her to do so. She did have to grudgingly admit that the combination of embarrassment at her situation, physical exhaustion and disorientation would eventually make her have to give up the information. She only hoped that she could hold out long enough to put a spanner in the works of her captors.

After what felt like a lot longer than twenty minutes Christian and the others returned, the vibrator was turned off and the dust mask and gagged removed. By this point the physical toll that this had taken on Gillian was obvious. “Please give me the information?” Christina asked again. Gillian shook her head and slumped in the chair. That small gesture having seemingly taken what was rest of her strength. Reddick went to turn on the vibrator but Christina shook her head. “Knock her out. I have a better idea”. Reddick went into her pocket and pulled out a cloth and a bottle of chloroform, this time the more concentrated formula. Reddick poured a generous helping of the liquid onto the cloth. Using one had to pull Gillian’s head back she placed the cloth firmly over her nose and mouth. Gillian stirred slightly when the cloth was placed over her face but rather than fight she was glad of the rest that beckoned with the forthcoming sedation. Taking deep breathes she quickly succumbed to the fumes in her weakened state, welcoming the darkness like an old friend.

When she awoke Gillian was startled to be looking at not Christina in the chair across from her but Lisa. Instantly she noted that Lisa was bound exactly as she was with a dust mask over her nose and mouth and the vibrator now positioned against the diaper covering Lisa’s crotch rather than her own. This new development cleared her head and she began thrashing against her bonds and screaming into her gag as Lisa began to moan. Having recently been through the same ordeal Gillian tried to lock eyes with her friend to silently pass on strength but it was useless as Gillian well knew concentrating on anything whilst ongoing that ordeal was almost impossible. Gillian glanced at the table and saw that a cheap digital watch had been left there. It was on the stop watch function and currently showed 12:43. The next two and a bit minutes did seem to drag in before Christina, Victoria and Reddick returned. The vibrator was turned off and the dust mask and gag removed from Lisa’s mouth and a cloth was placed over her nose and mouth which Gillian assumed was doused with chloroform and quickly knocked Lisa out.

“Right I am not even going to remove the gag unless you agree to tell me the codes” Christina said standing with hands on hips. Gillian looked at her friend and knew that she couldn’t put her through any more of that ordeal so she nodded her head. Christina removed the gag from Gillian’s mouth and stood back.

“Look I also want to have a shower and one for Lisa as well.” Christina looked back at Gillian in astonishment. “I am now dirty and smelly and god knows what it is like under my diaper. As promised your restraints in the bedroom are smooth and comfortable, even wearing a diaper is more embarrassing than uncomfortable and I have no problem submitting to the bondage again for a couple of days as long as I can do so clean.”


“User name gillian7654 and password c1d2e3f4g5”

“Thank you very much. I knew that you would see it my way it the end. Unfortunately that little outburst is going to costs you another fifteen minutes with the vibrator” Gillian went slack jawed with shock which was just the opportunity Reddick needed to stuff a cloth into Gillian’s mouth and secure it with a scarf. “After you are finished let them both have a shower but keep them quiet and then secure them for the night”

“No problem boss” said Reddick as with a smile on her face she once again placed the vibrator against the diaper between Gillian’s legs and turned it up to maximum. “Enjoy”

Chapter 11

After the ordeal Gillian and Lisa sat facing each other bound and gagged in the dining chairs trying to recover. Soon Victoria and Reddick arrived and began by untying Lisa from the chair. Once the ropes around her arms, ankles and waist were removed she was told to stand and with each woman taking an arm half leading half carrying Lisa toward the door and the stairs. Gillian noted that they hadn’t bothered to bind her arms. Probably a combination of the fight being knocked out of them both and Christina explaining Gillian bargain of implied submission in exchange for a shower.

Lisa was lead downstairs and into the bathroom next to the room where she and Gillian had been held for the past two days. Reddick lead her into the bathroom and realising that it was required helped her remove the jacket, bra, gag and diaper. “Right there is a towel and robe hanging up you have ten minutes and that includes getting dry time. After that Victoria and I come in. On and before I forget open you mouth” Reddick produced a cloth and forced it into Lisa’s mouth. “Right put your lips together” with difficulty Lisa complied and Reddick took a pre cut piece of duct tap from the towel rack and smacked it over Lisa’s mouth so that it would hold the cloth in place so that it could not be spat out. “No funny business with that gag and remember it’s only a ten minute countdown” she said over her shoulder as she closed the door.

Once Lisa had finished her shower she was lead from the bathroom to the bedroom by Reddick, glancing over her shoulder she managed to catch a glimpse of Gillian being lead down the stairs by Victoria before the door to the bedroom was closed. Reddick handed Lisa a fresh bra and said “enough of the fun and games, time to get back to business” indicating the bed where a fresh set of restraints waiting beside the modified sleeping bag. Now resigned to her fate Lisa slipped off the robe and slip on her bra. She then lay down on the bed and offered no resistance as Reddick slid a diaper under her hips and secured it place following that up with securing her legs at the ankle, above and below the knees and across the thighs using the straps. The cuffs and gillet were also reapplied and then the door opened and Gillian walked in escorted by Victoria. Reddick got up and handed Gillian a diaper and pointed at the other bed. “You did such a good job last time I thought that I would give you another attempt.” Gillian silently took the diaper, not difficult with duct tape stopping you from removing a cloth from your mouth and crossed the room to her bed, removed her robe and proceeded to put the diaper on her now clean rear end. Reddick removed the tape from over Lisa’s mouth and then removed the damp cloth. Reddick looked across the room noted that Gillian had finished putting on the diaper and beckoned her across patting the bed next to Lisa to indicate where she should sit next to Lisa. As Gillian sat down next to Lisa Reddick pulled a cloth and a bottle from her jacket pocket and handed them to Gillian. “The bottle contains chloroform; Gillian I want you to put the chloroform onto the cloth, then hold it over Lisa nose and mouth and knock her out.” Gillian looked at Lisa awkwardly and shook her head, making negative noises through the cloth that was still in her mouth. “I can tell that you are interested in this stuff, now is you chance to put that theory into practice. Look you could try and jump me but that won’t get you anywhere. Also as I said earlier I can make this whole episode more uncomfortable………”

“Don’t worry Gillian, just get on with it” Lisa stated. Reluctantly Gillian opened the bottle and poured a healthy amount of the liquid onto the cloth. Gillian then took the cloth in her right hand and placed in gently over lower half of Lisa’s face and taking her cue from her own recent experiences of being chloroformed placed just enough pressure so that the cloth was secure over Lisa’s nose, blocking out any oxygen so that all Lisa could inhale were the fumes from the chloroform on the cloth. For her part Lisa accepted the cloth and took long deep breathes steadily inhaling the fumes that would soon render her unconsciousness. As the fumes began to take effect Lisa started to slump and Gillian moved to help Lisa her lie on the bed whilst keeping the cloth in place over her nose and mouth. As Lisa's eyes fluttered and closed over Gillian continued to hold the cloth in place for a couple of seconds thinking that her friend could do with a long nap. As soon as she removed the cloth it was snatched from her hand by Reddick. Gillian sat on the bed with slumped shoulders dejected with what she had just done to her friend. Reddick sat down next to her and quickly peeled off the tape and removed the cloth from Gillian’s mouth. Reddick then placed the cloth that she had just taken from Gillian over the lower half of her face and used another one to hold it in place by tying it behind her head. Without having to be told Gillian rose and walked across to the other bed and lay down, waiting for the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness to take away the feeling of guilt over what she had done to Lisa. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Reddick was right she was curious and did slightly enjoy the feeling. Taking deep breathes Gillian closed her eyes and everything went black.

Reddick quickly went to work rendering Lisa silent by reapplying the thick gag, cloth stuffing in mouth followed by padding, wrapping, tape and scarf and securing her in the sleeping bag before moving across and binding and gagging Gillian then also securing her inside the sleeping bag. Reddick then checked that both women were secure before leaving the room and heading upstairs for the meeting on phase three of the operation; actually getting the information.

Chapter 12

All four women sat around the table, three of them angling their chairs so that they could concentrate fully on what the fourth was saying. Christina looked at each of the other three women in turn to confirm that each knew their role and then silently brought the meeting to an end by standing and returning the chair to its position round the table.

The next morning Christina, Victoria and Gayle sat in the car outside their target, the offices of Forward Progress International, Gillian’s employer. Reddick had been left behind to keep an eye on there captives. They however kept in contact via cell phone. The plan was simple Christina and Gayle would enter the facility, Christina posing as Gillian would then gain access to the secure server and download the information they had been paid to acquire onto a small portable drive. Victoria would stay in the car as back up. “Right Gayle this is your chance to prove yourself. I would suggest that you don’t waste it”. Gayle gave Christina a barely disguised dirty look from the seat directly behind her in the back of the car. Christina took a deep breathe, exited the car and made her way casually toward the entrance just like any other day heading to work closely followed by Gayle a couple of paces behind. Although the weekend meant that the car park was all but empty both women swept their eyes back and forth looking for danger.

Christina entered the building through the rotating door and almost stopped immediately as she noted that the security guard behind the desk was female, very twenty first century. As they approached the desk the security guard smiled and said “Good morning. Can I help you?” The moment of truth had arrived “Yes” Christina replied my name is Gillian Young and I need just need to pop in to pick up some information for a meeting tomorrow. I left it on my desk last week” and handed over the identification with Gillian’s picture and details. The guard gave the ID a cursory glance and swiped it through a terminal on the desk. The light changed from red to green confirming that it was genuine. The guard smiled again and handed the identification back to Christina without really looking at it. “Please go through. If you need anything else please just use the intercom to buzz, any telephone and press 69 to get straight through”.

As they made their way along a corridor to the rear of the building where the lifts were located both women strode with purpose as if they had every right to be in the building. Gayle called the lift and they entered once the doors had opened with the corresponding ping. Gayle selected the first floor by pressing the relevant call button, stood back and waited for the short journey to begin. After disembarking the lift on the correct floor they made there way along the corridor toward Gillian’s office. As they reached the door Christian motioned for Gayle to take up a position round the corner from where she could observe anybody approaching the office.

Christina entered the office and made her way over to a computer and sat down. Waking it up by moving the mouse over the surface of the desk she input the username and password supply by Gillian into the appropriate boxes of the screen when prompted. Scanning through the files Christina quickly found what she was looking for and started to download the files onto the removable drive from the server. So engrossed was she that Christian didn’t notice the door to the office open and the women enter, fortunately Gayle had from her position further along the corridor. The young woman that entered the office took a number of steps before pausing when she noticed Christina sitting at the operational computer.

“Hi there, my name is Rhiannon and I work with Miss Young. Can I help you?”

Without missing a beat Christian replied “Hi I am Green, Julie Green and I work with internal security. I am just running routine maintenance whilst everyone is away, save any hassle.” As Christina finished she noticed Gayle enter the room from over Rhiannon shoulder.

Christina kept talking to young women who had indentified herself as Rhiannon in an attempt to distract her from the approaching threat of Gayle partner coming up behind her. At the last second the young woman seemed to sense the peril that she was in and went to turn round but it was too late. Gayle wrapped her left arm around the young woman’s body pinning her tight against the down filled jacket that covered her own body to lessen the impact of any struggling whilst simultaneously pressing the cloth over the lower half of Rhiannon’s face smothering it over her nose and mouth. Christina quickly stood up from the chair and grabbed both of Rhiannon’s wrists to prevent the young woman from using her arms break free of Gayle’s grasp or dislodge the cloth pressed over her nose and mouth.

Instantly panicked by the cloth placed over her mouth Rhiannon reacted by trying to scream for help but the sound was effectively muffled by the soft thick cloth that the woman had pressed over her face. The woman that was at the computer then rose and grabbed both of her arms preventing her from fighting off her attackers. Rhiannon did wonder what these two women were after and why they had decided to attack her. They had used a cloth to muffle her and prevent her from screaming. It was at that moment that she noticed the smell coming from the cloth, a pungent sweet smelling aroma. Now she was starting to panic! What kind of chemical were they administering to her and what were its effects? As her panic increased she increased her efforts in an attempt to at least shake off the cloth for a second and scream for help but the women were stronger than her and seemed to know exactly what they were doing. The struggle meant that she involuntarily began to take deeper and deeper breathes drawing the fumes from the liquid deep into her lungs. After about forty five seconds of struggle Rhiannon began to notice that her arms and legs were starting to feel numb and her strength was ebbing away. This must be the effects of the chemical I have to break free she thought to herself. Unfortunately the fumes had weakened her enough that her efforts became more feeble with every passing breathe so he stopped taking breathes.

Standing in front of the young woman Christina noticed this and smiled “It’s too late for that trick young lady. You can’t hold your breathe for that long and trust me the chloroform has had enough time to weaken you already that there is no chance of escape. My colleague and I do this for a living. The chloroform will just put you to sleep for a while, nothing to worry about really. My advice is don’t fight it, take deep breathes and enjoy the rest.”

Rhiannon was struck dumb. To have this woman explain her current predicament in such a calm, assured manner was in some way reassuring. It was then that she noticed that she had involuntarily started breathing again. The fumes once again invaded her nostrils, the smell overpowering. Now she had stopped struggling, her strength gone. She felt her eyelids getting heavier and it was an immense struggle to keep them open. All the fight drained out of her as the woman facing her let go of her wrists and they dropped uselessly to her sides. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed to sleep was the woman offering silent encouragement with a reassuring smile. It said don’t worry everything will be fine. Somehow Rhiannon doubted that. One last breath and then darkness engulfed her.

Gayle lowered the young woman gently to ground careful to make sure the cloth remained secured over her nose and mouth so that she would receive the full effects of the chloroform and stay unconscious for longer. “We need to move Gayle” stated Christina.

“What about Sleeping Beauty?” Gayle queried indicating the young woman lying on the floor. Gayle had removed some lengths of rope from a fanny pack in preparation of binding the young woman “No option that I can see but to bring her along. If we leave her the theft would be discovered in a couple of hours and we need a bit more time than that. For the moment just stuff a cloth in her mouth to make sure that she doesn’t make any noise” Christina pulled out her phone and dialled Victoria “we had an interruption whilst uplifting the material. Change of plan; meet us at the rear fire escape in five minutes. We will have a plus one for the ride. Oh and distract that guard for us so that they aren’t covering the cameras when we are moving.” There was no response from Victoria. The call was terminated from her end. Victoria was like that, a woman of few words and much action. No need to confirm the instructions were understood and would be carried out.

Christina and Gayle took a shoulder each as they carried the young woman out of the office and along the corridor. Deciding to forego the potential trap of the lifts they used the stairs. It wasn’t too difficult as the young woman was a couple of inches shorter than either Christina or Gayle and had a slender frame. After a slight pause at ground floor level to check that the coast was clear they made there way without incident to the rear fire escape door carrying their new captive between them. “I hope that the alarm system is switched off during the day” said Christina with a smile. Gayle marvelled at the calmness of the woman in these situations. Gayle also knew that the alarm would be off. Christian would not have suggested this route if the alarm was in operation. Right on time Victoria pulled the car into position got out and opened the rear driver side door. They exited the building and tried to act as normally and unhurried as you could while putting an unconscious woman into a car. Gayle handed the young woman to Victoria and slid along the back seat then helped as Rhiannon was passed inside the car. Victoria closed the door and took her position behind the wheel. With Christina already in the passenger seat it was time to head back. A tricky job well executed with only one minor problem.

Gayle removed the cloth from Rhiannon’s mouth and used the cloth doused with chloroform to occasionally give her further doses of the drug by gently holding it over her nose and mouth in order to keep her sedated for the journey back to the flat. Christina used her mobile to call Reddick “There was a slight issue at the location and we have a plus one looking for place to relax for the night. I would be grateful if you could ensure that the spare room is ready.” On hearing a response in the affirmative she said “Thanks” and hung up.

Chapter 13

This time it was Victoria and Gayle that carried Rhiannon up the two flights of stairs to the flat. Christina had pulled rank and gone ahead with the keys to open the doors and check that the coast was clear. Thankfully it was as it would have been a difficult situation to explain away to the neighbours, what with the unconscious woman and all. Once inside the flat Reddick took the other arm from Victoria who then followed Christina upstairs once the door from the landing had been locked. Gayle helped Reddick take the young lady into the bedroom on the other side of the bathroom at ground floor level and noted that Reddick had prepared the room as instructed as the sleeping bag had been moved from upstairs and the other tools of restraint were present and correct. Gayle shuddered at the sight as had it not been for the unwitting intervention of the young lady at the office then she would have been spending ten hours tonight diapered and restrained. She made a mental note to thank the young lady if she ever got the chance. Reddick notice this and nodded towards the door “I can take it from hear if you want to head off”.

“Thanks” replied Gayle as she exited the room “she had had a good dose of chloroform during the journey home so should be out for a while yet”. As Gayle made her way up the stairs she couldn’t help wonder if this development was a good or bad thing going forward. She guessed that time would tell.

Reddick believed in being thorough, organised and sticking to a routine. So she began by striping the young lady called Rhiannon of all items of clothing except her bra and carefully putting a diaper on her, no doubt a new and in Reddick’s experience not an unpleasant sensation for the girl when she came round. Next she put on the down filled gillet and zipped it up, moving next to the padded handcuffs securing her new captives wrists together and then by a small chain to the gillet. Reddick then used the four straps to bind Rhiannon’s ankles and legs together before positioning the young woman into the sleeping bag, zipping it shut and locking the zip to prevent escape. Reddick then produced a cloth and pushed it into Rhiannon’s mouth and then put a thick pad over her mouth. Lifting her head gently Reddick wrapped a bandage around the lower part of her head several times to keep the cloth and pad securely in place. Finishing the gag off with a scarf tied at the nape of her neck Reddick settled onto a nearby seat to wait on her captive coming round to explain her predicament and the best course of actions.

When Rhiannon did regain consciousness she found herself staring at the ceiling of a room, one that she did not recognise. There was a slight thumping at the back of her head and everything was a bit fuzzy. She attempted to gently lift her head from the pillow that it was resting on but the effort involved only increased the amount of thumping already going on in her head so she immediately let it rest back on the pillow and closed her eyes. Despite the fuzziness in her head she did feel warm and very comfortable; somebody had done a good job of tucking her in. The soft, smooth, and padded material felt almost luxurious against her bare shoulders and legs. Gradually the haze began to clear and something clicked in her memory and recalled the incident at the office, the woman that she didn’t recognise followed by the shock of the cloth being smothered over her nose and mouth, the strong grip of two women as she was forced to breath in the fumes, the sweet smelling fumes that made her feel weak so that she couldn’t fight them off, the fumes that made her drowsy and eventually put her to sleep. Her eyes bolted open and she went to scream but when she expected to her voice boom across the room all that she heard was a very quiet, muffled noise that you would be lucky to hear three feet away. It was then that she realised that there was something filling her mouth, a soft thick cloth. She went to spit it out but it was being kept securely in place by something that had been tied behind her head. Then she went to lift her hands to remove whatever was muffling her but found that she their movement was severely restricted, her wrists seemed to be bound together and secured to her waist in some way, at this point she noted that her legs were also bound together. She struggled to lift the upper part of her body from the bed to see what was going on and noted that she seemed to be encased in a sleeping bag like contraption, but like none she had ever seen, this was bulkier with more padding and elasticised sides and this was what was restricting her movement. She began thrashing around the bed using any means at her disposal to get free or loosen her bonds and the smothering embrace of the sleeping bag. After about a minute of intense effort she gave up, exhausted and gasping for breath. The gag didn’t help. It was then that she looked around the room to see if there was anything that she could use and saw the woman sitting in the chair next to the bed, a knowing smile playing at the edges of her mouth.

“It is nice to see that you are awake. Hopefully all of the effort expended in that absolutely futile attempt to loosen your bonds and escape the sleeping bag has persuaded you that it would be best to accept your current predicament. Unfortunately this is nothing to do with you Rhiannon. It was just your misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and you just had to be kept out of the way whilst a job is completed. The good news is that you will only be kept restrained liked this for thirty six hours at the most” at hearing this news Rhiannon’s eyes widened in shock and panic “don’t worry you will be kept fed, watered and well treated in your current comfortable position and I know that you initially felt comfortable there for a moment. In return for good treatment I only ask that you behave and keep quiet.” Despite the absurdity of her current position she found herself nodding agreement with what this woman had said. “The padding that you can fell around your groin area is a diaper and that will also be freshened up when required.” Rhiannon felt her cheeks redden at the thought of this and the implications involved “Don’t be embarrassed I am a professional. Right that’s enough from me. I think that you could do with some rest after your ordeal. A nice nap is the order of the day I think.” Rhiannon looked on as the woman removed a cloth and some bottle from the pocket of her jacket, opening the bottle the woman poured some of the liquid onto the cloth. Rhiannon was only guessing but had a feeling that she was going to have a similar experience as that back at the office, rendered unconscious by a woman wielding a chloroform soaked cloth. Rhiannon turned her head away as the woman approached the bed “No remember what I said about behaving.” Through her gag Rhiannon sighed, turned her head back and stared at the ceiling. It was useless fighting when bound and encased like this. As the cloth was placed over her nose the woman said “Just relax and take nice deep breaths” Rhiannon did just that and felt the fumes invade her nostrils. The fumes had the same effects at the previous occasion and she let herself be taken toward the welcoming arms of the darkness.
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