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Old 10-04-07, 02:25
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Default Board Room Blonde Part 1

Board Room Blonde Part 1

The third meeting was finally over. Nikki was alone in the conference room. She was holding out on a decision and a lot of people were unhappy. She held her ground and wouldn’t budge. That’s the way she was. She wasn’t about to give in to anyone, especially men!

In this company Nikki ruled. Most would take another elevator, rather than ride with her. She liked that. She loved to intimidate anyone she could. That’s how she came into power and that’s what would keep her there she thought.

Nikki was very British and played down her looks. Her long silky blonde hair was pulled back and kept mostly hidden. She dressed like a man in many ways. Today’s outfit cost thousands of dollars. She had on a white pure silk blouse similar to a man’s dress shirt, and a black neck tie with a diamond necklace around the middle to hold it like a tie pin. Over that she wore black blazer that resembled a man’s sport jacket. From the waist down she was all female though. She wore a tight black designer skirt, a pair of special fifty dollar sheer black pantyhose and high heeled shiny designer leather pumps.

Nikki was five feet five, thirty years old, and was in excellent shape. She ran and worked out often, and had ripped six pack abs. Her legs were slender and awesome. She had penetrating baby blue eyes that were hard to say no to. As a child she always got her way. She had little use for men, and mostly saw them as a threat. They were forever in her way and this situation was no exception. She closed her briefcase and headed for the elevator. On the way she got her cell phone out of her purse.

When the elevator opened there were three men inside. One was a well dressed middle aged man she didn’t recognize, and the other two were younger men dressed in what looked like janitor’s clothes. Funny though, their haircuts were too neat and didn’t match the clothes. Before the elevator was halfway down, the older man pulled the emergency button and stopped it. Before Nikki could speak, the other two men each grabbed one of her arms. They stood on either side of her and held her fast. Her purse and briefcase were tossed on the floor and her cell phone fell and came apart.

Nikki tried to scream, but one of the men put his hand tightly over her mouth. He was wearing black leather gloves and the smell of new leather almost made her choke. She watched helplessly as the older man took a white square of cloth and a small bottle out of his pocket. He opened the bottle and poured so much on the cloth that some spilled on the floor of the elevator. Then he put the bottle back in his pocket and approached her. The man removed his hand from over her mouth, but before she could make a sound, the cloth was placed over her nose and mouth and held there tightly.

Nikki fought for all her life, but there were three of them and the chloroform was fresh and potent. Within ten seconds her ears were making a dull ringing sound and she was lightheaded. She fought on, trying to kick with her legs. Her right shoe fell off in the struggle and without it; her kicking had little effect on the men holding her. She started to lose focus and blinked her eyes to clear things. It didn’t help and she could feel her eyes beginning to flutter. That’s the last thing she remembered.

The younger men continued to hold her now limp body as the older man held the cloth fast. After about twenty seconds, he pulled it away and relaxed. One man picked her "limp as a rag doll" body up and held her in a cradle carry position as the others gathered her shoe, purse, briefcase, and the parts of her cell phone. Then the elevator was turned back on and they headed for the parking garage.

Charles, the middle aged man, smiled as Nikki’s limp body was carried out of the elevator. She had gone from the dreaded dragon lady to a helpless pretty girl with just a little chloroform. He could only imagine what a lot more chloroform would do! Her silky blonde hair sprawled from her limp head and her limp nylon encased legs looked really hot. The one that was still missing the shoe looked especially hot. They carried her to his car and placed her on the back seat. The two younger men got in front and drove the car while Charles rode in back with Nikki. As the car began to move; Charles rested her beautiful limp blonde head in his lap. Next he opened her blazer and slowly removed her necktie. Then he soaked the cloth with more chloroform and placed it over her nose and mouth and secured it there with her necktie tied around the back of her head.

Charles continued to look her over as they made the two hour drive. He removed her other shoe and ran his hand up and down over her silky pantyhose. Then he moved her hair around. He had always fantasized about what she would look like with her hair down! Oh yes, she was hot. After about an hour she moved slightly. Charles reached in his pocket and opened the bottle. He poured more chloroform on the cloth. Her eyes started to open but were glazed. Within ten seconds they were fluttering rapidly. Then they suddenly rolled closed and her head went limp once more. Nikki’s eyes were never in focus long enough to see him. She was out again before she really had a chance to recover.

Charles smiled as he watched her pass out again. This was just for openers! When they got her to his isolated country home the real fun would begin. She had humiliated him for years. Now it would be his turn. She would be his captive for weeks to come, and would be bound, drugged and totally helpless at all times. Oh yes his revenge would be sweet. He would inject her with Rohypnol to make her submissive. Then he would chloroform her completely unconscious again and again.

When Nikki awoke, she was in what looked like a fancy rich man’s study. She was in a stuffed chair and her hands were handcuffed behind her back and her legs were bound at the ankles with rope. There was also another rope around her waist that prevented her from standing up. There was a cloth stuffed in her mouth and it was secured with her own necktie tied around her head. Her shoes were missing and she didn’t see her purse of briefcase anywhere. She waited helpless in the chair to see what would happen.

Finally the well dressed man from the elevator came through the door. She glared at him and gave out muffled sounds. That was a mistake. He went to the desk and pulled a needle out of one of the drawers. He walked over and injected the contents into her left arm. Then he began to speak.

She was told that every time she was nasty or struggled she would be sedated and knocked out, and each time she woke up she would be missing another piece of clothing. There was no escape. She would be released only when he was ready and not before. She must learn to totally comply and behave or she wasn’t going anywhere.

Nikki felt sleepy very quickly. The shot must have been some kind of sedative. She fought to stay awake. She wasn’t about to give in to this creep. She would trick him somehow and get away. Then she would ruin him! That would all have to be later. She couldn’t even move. She felt dreamy and happy all of a sudden. Oh my god, what had he given her? He was soaking the white pad with more chloroform. She should have been horrified, but she sat smiling and relaxed. He held the soaked pad over her nose and mouth. He told her to relax and breathe deeply. Still smiling, she did as she was told. Soon her eyes were out of focus. She kept blinking. Then the lights went out again. Her beautiful blonde head slumped to the side and rested against the chair. Charles removed the cloth after about ten seconds.

Charles untied her limp body and removed her blazer. Then he put her handcuffs back on with her hands behind her back and re- bound her ankles. After that, he placed her on her side on the sofa and let her sleep. He removed the gag and left the room.

After about three hours Nikki was awake again. She was groggy and disoriented. She carefully sat up. When she thought she was strong enough to stand, she tried to hop to the desk and get to the phone somehow. Before she was half way to the desk she heard footsteps. She quickly went back to the sofa and tried to get back on it. Not soon enough though. He came in and saw her still standing.

The man went to the desk and pulled out the bottle of chloroform and the white square of cloth. He heavily soaked the cloth with the chloroform. After that he came over to her and held it over her nose and mouth. She said she was sorry and pleaded with him not to put her under again. It was no use. He held the cloth on her tightly. He told her to breathe deeply and not to struggle. She must behave in every way or be knocked out over and over again.

This time Nikki fought and tried to turn her head to the side and hold her breath. The shot had worn off and she was no longer submissive like before. He still held the cloth tightly and eventually she began to cough. Now she had lost control and had to breathe. It was only a matter of time now. She felt lightheaded again and her eyes were blinking. Finally she just inhaled deeply to end her agony. By the third deep breath she was out. Charles held the cloth there for about thirty seconds. Then he untied her ankles and removed her skirt. He admired her limp body on the sofa with her tiny bikini underpants now showing through her sheer pantyhose. Oh yes, he was sure she would keep fighting. He would get those too eventually! Then he retied her ankles. The shrew was tamed with kindness. Nikki would be tamed with chloroform.

Nikki awoke an hour later and her skirt was now gone. It, as well as her other missing articles of clothing were nowhere in sight. The freak is probably locking them up somewhere she thought! This time she sat up and didn’t attempt to stand. She would behave better to buy time. She would have to gain his trust if she was ever to escape. She was strong willed, but not stupid.

When he returned she was sitting up and quiet. He told her that she would find it more pleasant if she behaved. Then she made the mistake of asking how being held prisoner could ever be pleasant. Oh my god she thought! What have I done! He was walking to the desk again. Without saying a word, he poured more chloroform on the cloth. She said she was sorry and pleaded with him again. He told her to breathe deeply and hold very still. This time she fully surrendered. She inhaled deeply over and over again. She was out within twenty seconds.

Charles removed the cloth right away and undid her handcuffs. Then he removed her blouse and put it away with her other clothes. Then the handcuffs went back on. Oh yes, things were going better that he ever expected!

When Nikki woke up she was really out of it. She was unable to sit up for several minutes. She knew she would have to be his slave. She would have to do whatever he wanted. Otherwise she would soon be naked and totally humiliated! She waited but he didn’t return. She was afraid to move, so she just lay there quietly.

After an hour or so he returned. Then he asked her if she was going to comply with his every demand. She nodded her head yes. He told her he preferred when she didn’t speak. She must not try to escape, and above all she had to watch her attitude. He untied her ankles and escorted her to the lavatory. Then he undid her handcuffs and let her inside and waited outside the door.

Nikki used the toilet and washed her hands. Then she splashed cold water on her face. The room had no window. She had no idea where she even was. She didn’t dare ask questions. Finally she gave up her privacy and came back out into the room. This time he put back the handcuffs but didn’t retie her ankles. Was he beginning to trust her? She smiled and thanked him for letting her use the bathroom. He told her to sit in the chair and wait while he got her some food.

As soon as he was gone she ran to the window and looked out. Fatal mistake! He had come back to ask her what she wanted to eat. Now he had caught her at the window. She didn’t plead this time. He told her to sit back in the chair. Then he got the chloroform ready. She held perfectly still and took deep breaths. It was just no use she thought!

Charles smiled in satisfaction as her eyes fluttered and rolled closed once more and she slipped into unconsciousness. He held the cloth there longer than usual. Then he pulled it away and removed her pantyhose. He placed them in a drawer in the desk. He would keep these and her underpants, when he got them, close at hand. He had plans for both of these items!

When Nikki woke up she noticed her missing stockings. She was disgusted with herself for being so careless. Her bra covered little since it was sheer and her boobs overflowed it. Her panties were tiny and left little to the imagination. Resisting the chloroform was hopeless. The worst of it was that the look out the window had gained her nothing. She could see only trees and a lawn, and still had no idea where she was, even if she could get to a phone. She was dejected. Wait she thought. That’s just what he wants! She would fight a little longer. Losing her bra and panties meant nothing. She was already naked for all practical purposes anyway!

He wasn’t there. She went to the desk to look at the number on the phone. There wasn’t any number. She started looking at papers on the desk to see a name or an address. She opened the top drawer with her teeth and peeked inside. Then she gave a horrified look when she saw him standing there watching. This time she tried to run out of the room. He put his foot out and tripped her. Then he went to the desk and got a needle. By the time he got it, she was on her feet again and tried to run. He came up behind her and held her arm and gave her the shot. Then he let her continue her escape for fun. She was two rooms away when she fell. He found her helpless on the floor with her eyes dreamy and smiling. He smiled at her as he prepared the cloth. She gave no resistance as he placed the soaked cloth over her face. She inhaled smiling until she passed out in his arms. Charles was smiling too as he watched her beautiful baby blue eyes flutter and close once more.

This time he carried her to a bedroom over his shoulder. Then he placed her on the bed and removed her bra. Once she was on the bed he undid her handcuffs and posed her for some photos. Then he put her bra away with her other clothes. He didn’t handcuff her this time. He locked the room instead. There was no window, no phone and he had chloroform handy. She wasn’t going anywhere. Then he gave her another injection.

Nikki was out for about three hours and woke up pretty dreamy. She had lost her anger. She had no will to resist. He told her she was a very bad girl and had to be disciplined. This dose of the drug was stronger and would last longer. She promised she would be good. What would he like her to do? She would do anything. Why was she complying? What had he given her?

He told her to lie on her back on the bed and remove her panties and give them to him. She complied and slowly slid them down her lovely legs and over her ankles and handed them to him. Then he took a bottle of chloroform and totally soaked her panties with it. He handed them back to her and said she should put herself to sleep. She willingly took them and held them over her nose and mouth with both hands and began to take deep breaths. She inhaled about five times. That’s the last thing she remembered.

Charles watched her performance in awe. She was on her back fully naked and was still holding the chloroform soaked panties over her face with one hand. Her other arm had fallen limp when she passed out. Now she lay there helplessly breathing the sweet fumes and drawing herself ever deeply under. He wished he had taped it! Oh well, he would tape the next scene. There would be so many scenes like it yet to come! He had to keep her for 21 more days. Then she would be voted out by proxy. Her company would then be his and his alone. The better part was that Nikki herself already was!

Last edited by CBiscuit; 04-06-10 at 23:12.
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