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Old 19-04-07, 01:39
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Default Dangerous Prey Part 2

Dangerous Prey Part 2

Bruce still was having fantasies about Kate as the plane was landing. He hated the idea of the first knock out being a dart. He wanted to cloth her! There just wasn’t any other way though. She was too strong and spirited and the risk was too great. Even after she was captured and bound, he would have to use the ether the first couple of times. She would fight too hard. He was confident now, since he had practiced all the methods on an actual woman. He could keep Kate under control once he captured her.

It was Sunday night now. He would not be able to capture Kate until next Saturday. That was ok. He had more preparations to make. He ordered a red see through nightgown from Fredrick’s of Hollywood. The next day he shopped at a few stores. He purchased pantyhose, thigh high stockings, shoes, underwear and several different size and color bras. He also picked out a pair of leather boots.

Tuesday he drove to the lodge. He cleaned the place up first. Then he checked the traps. His dad had installed pit traps around the perimeter of the lodge to catch wandering bears. If Kate got away, she would quickly find herself falling into a pit, where she could be darted and re-captured. He checked out the shackles and ropes. These were too crude. He would need better stuff.

The next day, Bruce went to a sex shop and purchased a ball gag, some handcuffs, as well as some ropes and silk scarves. After that, he went to the auto alarm store and had a keypad installed in his SUV. If she got the keys and got into the car, she would not be able to lock the doors or start it without a code. Just a precaution, since Kate was indeed a dangerous captive!

Friday, Bruce purchased a video camera, a good film camera, and a tripod. He took these out to the cabin and also re-stocked the food supplies. He took one last look around. There was no phone. Cell phones did not work there. She couldn’t use the car to get away. If she went on foot, she could never get away, and would soon be trapped.

Bruce hardly slept Friday night. He would be up early and hide on the jogging path and wait. He would use a dart rifle at a safe distance. Then he would wear a ski mask when he went to collect her.

Kate went to the convenience store at 8 AM and bought her water bottle. She attached it to her belt clip with her cell phone and prepared to do her morning run. Bruce hadn’t figured on one thing. Kate had noticed him at the store the week before and had asked who he was. She had actually found him attractive!

Kate had led a lonely life. Most men were intimidated by her intelligence when she was young. When she got older, they feared her wealth and power. The men in her social circles were all married. It was more than that though. Kate needed a real man! He would have to be smart, rich, and above all tough. Kate always wanted someone to protect her, and be there in times of crisis.

Kate started her run as usual. The path and park were always deserted this early on Saturdays. The area was safe though. She ran alone with confidence. She followed the trail out of the park and deep into the trees. About 50 feet inside the cover of the woods something stung her right upper thigh. She slowed down and looked, and was surprised to see what looked like a very old feathered dart.

Kate pulled the dart out of her leg and looked around. There was no one anywhere in sight. She figured it must be kids fooling around in the bushes. She yelled for them to come out, but there was no answer.

Suddenly Kate didn’t feel right. She felt lightheaded as if she had just had a strong drink. She tried to keep her balance. It was no use! She fell to her knees on the path. She tried to pull out her cell phone. As she tried to unclip it, she got very dizzy. She gave up on the phone and just concentrated on keeping her eyes open. It was getting hard to do. They were blinking and she could not focus.

Bruce was there watching now. The drug had taken hold enough that she would not remember anything. Bruce knelt beside her with his ski mask on. He put his arm behind her neck and supported her head. Her eyes were in rapid flutter and starting to roll upwards. He was there just in time! He watched her pass out in about 15 seconds. Bruce was surprised that Kate succumbed to the drug faster than his test woman had.

Bruce was wide eyed and trembling as he held the beautiful limp and helpless Kate in his strong arms. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open. Her teeth were bright white and perfect. He pulled her mouth the rest of the way open and planted a wet open mouth kiss on her. He probed and tasted her mouth everywhere his tongue would reach.

Finally Bruce held her close and sniffed her hair. It was tied behind her, so he undid the bow. Her long shiny brown hair fell out and sprawled all over. He sniffed it up close. It was still there! It was Kate’s own unique essence. He would know it anywhere. If 100 women were in a dark room, he could still pick her out.

Bruce carefully placed his prize over his shoulder and looked around. He was still alone. He carried her to the car and placed her on the already reclined front passenger seat. He attached the seatbelt around her carefully. Then he put the rifle in the back. There was no need to bind her. She would be out for at least 5 hours.

For the entire 3 hour drive, Bruce kept looking at his lovely sleeping companion. She looked so innocent and helpless sleeping peacefully there! Bruce knew better though. She was a heartless control freak bitch as far as he could tell, and would have to be treated like the most dangerous game of all.

Finally the lodge was in sight. He pulled up in front and got out and stretched from the long drive. Then he opened the right hand door and undid Kate’s seatbelt. As he lifted her out, she was still as limp as a doll. He cradle carried her inside the lodge and placed her on the sofa in a sitting position with her limp head resting on the back rest.

Bruce set the car alarm and locked the lodge door from the inside. There were 3 locks. The top one needed a key. He hid that under a lamp. Now he looked over his prize captive. Her hair was sprawled all over and her mouth was still slightly open. She was beyond awesome.

Bruce knelt down and carefully untied and removed her sneakers. He locked these in a drawer where he kept ammunition. It was just for further assurance that she could not run away. Next he handcuffed her hands behind her back. He tied her ankles together with a short and soft rope that he had purchased. He had the gag ready. He would install that as she was waking up.

He prepared a cloth and a bottle of ether. The chloroform would take too long, and that would be risky until he knew her moves. Besides he wanted to savor the strong wrestling matches for later. Bruce bored easily. Things would need to ever escalate to keep him amused! Now he would wait. He picked up the ski mask and kept it close by. Next he went to the cooler and fixed himself a cold beer. Then he watched her sleep as he drank it. There was no sign of motion for over an hour. Then he could see a twitching in her lips. He quickly slipped the ski mask on and installed her ball gag.

When Kate woke up, she felt very dreamy and affectionate. The Rohypnol did that. She could remember pulling out the dart, then nothing. She looked around her. She was in a strange place that she didn’t recognize. When she tried to move, she realized that she was bound. Kate tried to cry out, but the gag muffled her shriek. Then she saw him! He was standing over her in a ski mask. Finally he spoke.

He told her that she would be his guest for the weekend. There was no escape. If she didn’t behave, she would be put to sleep. He told her they were 50 miles from a neighbor, and there was no one to hear her screams and nowhere for her to go, even if she got loose.

Kate wasn’t so sure. She could out run anyone and wasn’t that afraid. She would play along and wait for a chance to escape. Then she looked down and noticed her missing shoes. She looked all around and could not see them anywhere. Then he spoke again. He said,

“Don’t worry; your sneakers are locked up in a safe place.”

Then he told her that he would be taking off her gag and giving her a drink now. He opened her water bottle in front of her and removed her ball gag. She remained calm and took a drink. Then she asked him why he had brought her there. He said that she would see soon enough, and that she was in no real danger as long as she didn’t mind being knocked out over and over again.

Kate put down the bottle and started to squirm. She watched helplessly as he opened a bottle on the table and poured something on a small white cloth. Then to her horror, he approached her face with it. She thrashed around in her bounds, but he easily held her down and held the cloth over her face. She smelled strong fumes and started to cough. She tried to pull away from the cloth. It was hopeless though.

Bruce held his thrashing wildcat against the back of the sofa with his left arm and elbow. He held the cloth on her tightly with his free hand. She was finally weakening. Her eyes had a glazed look. The mean dagger gaze in them had evaporated. Now her eyes were fluttering. Finally they rolled upwards and closed. He held the cloth there for a while just to be safe. Then when he pulled it away her mouth was wide open.

Bruce stood up and looked at her helpless limp body. Oh yes, she was just as tough and strong as he thought she would be! He undid her handcuffs and pulled off her sweatshirt. Next he untied her ankles, pulled off her white socks, and pulled down her jogging pants. Now she was down to a white bra and underwear set. The panties were too large and not shiny enough to suit Bruce. He would change them later. He checked her bra. Yes, it as a sports bra that compressed her breasts. They actually seemed larger than he thought they would be. He would check these out more carefully without the bra later.

This time Bruce bound her ankles with a silk scarf. Then he bound her wrists in front of her with another one. Afterward, he placed her on her back on the sofa. She looked breathtaking! Even in her practical underwear, she still looked hot and sexy. He read his shooters bible as he waited for his sleeping beauty to awaken for more games.

In just over an hour Kate slowly opened her eyes. Her head was pounding like a bad hangover. She carefully looked around. She was in just her bra and panties. She was still bound, but not like a prisoner. Her hands were in front of her and the binds were soft like sex toys. Kate got the sickened feeling that this abduction was going to be about sex and not a ransom demand!

She knew she could easily get out of the bondage. She didn’t dare though. He would only bind her tighter next time. Like Bruce, she was taking the time to know her opponent and surroundings. The door would be locked. She would need to take time to find a way around that. She would need shoes and clothing. A cabin like this would be in the woods in rough terrain for sure. She would also need food and water. No; she would play him carefully before making her move.

Finally Bruce looked up from his reading and saw that she was awake. He put the book down and walked over to her. To his surprise she was actually calm. He poured her a glass of wine. Then he sat on the sofa beside her and put his arm around her. With his other hand he raised the glass to her lips.

Kate drank the wine slowly in small sips. He was being gentle and almost romantic. She would comply and see where this would go. He was tight and firm. She could tell he was mister hard body. She didn’t know he had owned a gym, but she could tell he was no stranger to one either. Next Bruce put the empty wine glass down and fed her some fruit salad. Then he carried her. Kate had never been carried. For some reason though she felt strangely erotic being carried by this man.

Then her mind raced. My god, I’m his prisoner! He knocked me out, stripped me to my underwear, and now he’s carrying me off to rape me or whatever, and I’m feeling romantic? If I ever get out of this I really need to get out more!

Bruce carried her to a room with a single bed. It was his old room. He settled her on the bed. Then he said it was time for her to get some sleep. He picked up the injection gun that that his buddy had given him and set it for 1 hour.

Kate braced herself for another bout with the cloth over her face. That didn’t happen though. He picked up a strange looking silver gun from the dresser top and turned a dial on it. Then he carefully moved her hair out of the way and held it against her neck. Before she could protest, he pulled the trigger and Kate heard a chirp and a whoosh of air. Then she felt a sting on her neck. That’s the last thing she remembered.

Bruce smiled as he watched her head go limp and slump to the side. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth wasn’t open this time. That was the trouble with the gun. When he used the cloth her mouth was always still part way open. He loved that part. But still, the gun had its attributes.

Bruce put down the gun and opened the drawer of the dresser. He pulled out the red nightgown. First he had to untie her wrists and ankles. Then he slowly lifted her to a sitting position and unsnapped her bra. Her perky breasts flew out as they were released from the tight sports bra. They were beautiful! She had small nipples and silky smooth skin. She looked more like a 20 year old girl than a woman of 35.

Bruce tossed the bra aside and slipped off her panties. She wasn’t shaved. Thank god! He hated when they shaved there. He slipped the shiny and sheer panties that matched the nightgown on her and pulled them up. Next he held her up again and slipped the nightgown over her shoulders. It was slightly small on her but still did her justice. He carefully lowered her to the bed.

Nothing in his life could ever have prepared him for the sight of Kate knocked out on the bed in this outfit! Her shiny brown hair sprawled all over the pillow. He neatened up her hair and she looked even more breathtaking.

Next he tried some shoes that he had bought. They were about a half size too big, but that was a good thing. It would make it difficult for her to run without losing them. These had heels high enough to inhibit running anyway. He placed a pair of black leather pumps with thin 3 inch heels on her. Then he gathered up her own clothes and locked them up along with her sneakers. If she was to attempt an escape or be hunted, it would be in the outfits of his choice, not hers!

Bruce got out the camera equipment and took pictures. He posed her in various positions. He slid the gown straps off her shoulders and let the gown down to expose her breasts. Then more pictures were taken. He took off her shoes for more pictures. Then he carefully re-dressed her all but her shoes. He would leave the room, stay out of sight and watch what she did when she woke up.

Kate woke up fresh this time. Whatever he had knocked her out with had fewer side effects than the cloth nightmare. She noticed that she had been re-dressed. When she noticed what she had been put in, she moaned “That figures!” to herself. She saw the shoes on the floor and stepped into them. Slightly loose, but usable she thought. She explored her surroundings and wondered where he was.

Bruce watched her from a safe distance and kept out of sight. There were no windows in the room she was in. She wandered out of the room. Then she checked the front door. She sized up the locks and turned around. She looked out a side window. It had a grate over it. She could see through the window and grate that they were deep in the woods. Kate wandered into the kitchen. The knives were hidden. This guy had thought of everything so far. She would have to be careful!

Kate wandered back into the living room. Suddenly she was grabbed from behind. A wet cloth was placed over her face. This one smelled sweeter and was not as intense as before. Kate gave a violent thrust and tried to break away. He pulled her back and they tumbled to the floor. Now he was on top of her, holding the cloth ever tighter over her nose and mouth.

Kate wrestled for all she was worth. They rolled over together. She lost a shoe in the struggle. Now he was tickling her with his free hand. This caused her to breathe deeper, and that made her dizzy. She was getting weak and light headed. Still she fought on. She was out of breath and inhaling deeply within a minute. Her vision was getting fuzzy. Kate felt her arms and legs go numb and feel disconnected. She eventually relaxed and stopped fighting.

Finally Bruce could relax his death grip and watch her eyes flutter. They didn’t flutter for long. They rolled upwards and closed as she went totally limp in his strong arms. He held the cloth there forever. It was more than a minute until he finally pulled it away. He wanted her deeply under. Very deeply under!

Bruce put down the cloth and held her in his arms like a prized doll. He removed her other shoe. Then he threw her over his shoulder and carried her off to bed. This time it would be his dad’s room. That room had a king sized bed. He tossed her limp body on it, and locked the door. It would be a long night for her. She would be out for most of it though. He would let her sleep and regain her strength for now. She would need it. Soon the real games would begin!

Last edited by CBiscuit; 10-04-10 at 01:35.
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