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Old 28-12-16, 21:35
downboy downboy is offline
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downboy is on a distinguished road
Default Nothing Personal - Part 1

Gillian swung her feet down from the bed and placed them on the floor of the cell. Because a cell was surely what it was although it did more resemble a hotel suite then something you would find in your local police station. The double bed was comfortable but the rest of the room was functionally decorated, plain walls, plain furniture (all secured to the floor) and no ornaments that could be used as a weapon. The high level windows were there to let in light only and not to give the occupant grand views. Just as she was starting to get frustrated the locks on the door turned and the door opened inwards. Gillian got up and looked at the tall woman that had entered the room, the same woman who had brought her to the room hours earlier. Gillian once again marvelled at the outfit worn by the woman who had introduced herself as Kate. The outfit could only be described as a ball gown style wedding dress with a full length bell skirt in white. Over this was wore a quilted jacket. It might not have been the most practical but it did create an impression. Kate stood aside and beckoned Gillian to lead the way down the corridor. Kate ushered Gillian down the corridor toward an open door. Once inside Kate closed the door Gillian and took up station outside the door. Gillian turned around and took in her surroundings. The room contained a desk with three chairs, two on one side directly opposite a single chair. Gillian had enough of the games over the past four days and wanted to get whatever this was over with as quickly as possible so sat down on the single chair and waited. The wait wasn’t a long one. After a couple of minutes the door opened and two women entered the first Gillian didn’t recognise the second she did. The women took the two seats opposite Gillian.

“Gillian, good afternoon and thanks for your patience”

“Did I have a choice?”

“Well when you put it like that. Anyway my name is Michelle and you already know my colleague Gayle or Black as you may have called her. I would like to go over the events of the past days if you don’t have any objections”

Gillian took a deep breath to compose herself before commencing “It all started when the doorbell went on Thursday morning……..”

Chapter 1

The doorbell rang. Lisa turned to her flatmate Gillian and before any conversation could take place sprang up from the couch and made for the stairs down towards the lower levels of the three storey flat owned by Gillian. Gillian had purchased the flat after a reasonably sized lottery win a year earlier. Gillian had never disclosed the size of the win to anyone; she felt that it was nobody else’s business. It wasn’t retire to the Caribbean money but enough for her to purchase a nice flat in an up and coming area of town. Gillian and Lisa had been friends since sharing a room at college six years previously. Gillian had been studying physics on a full scholarship and had taken to helping Lisa with her studies as she struggled through school combining her studies with commitments to the athletics department.

The flat was split into three levels with living / dining and a large terrace on the top level, the master bedroom with en suite, kitchen and television room on the second. The third consisted of two bedrooms, one of which was Lisa’s and a toilet. The only slight grumble that Lisa had was that the view from the terrace was spoiled by some industrial units across the park. As Gillian had noted when purchasing the property it was an up and coming area that still had a few things to sort out before it became a sought after location. Hopefully some developer would buy and tear down the units soon and redevelop into some kind of up Markey village with coffee houses and wine bars.

Lisa reached the door and pulled it open with a smile on her face expecting maybe a surprise visit from her boyfriend Brad. When the front door opened rather than Brad with a bunch of flowers Lisa was confronted with three women, one very much to the fore with two almost lurking behind. The woman at the front was obviously in charge of the group was slightly taller than Lisa’s 5’5” and had shoulder length reddish hair compared to Lisa’s neat brown bob. Lisa guessed her age at just over thirty but she could have been a younger.

“Good afternoon my name is Julie Green” the older women said just before pulling a wallet with official looking I.D. from the pocket of her full length coat. Lisa could only get a brief glance as the wallet was quickly returned to the same pocket “I am with the local authority environment department.” Lisa quickly glanced at the two younger women standing behind Green. As if taking a queue from the glance Green introduced the two women. The first was a tall and striking blonde woman wearing a police uniform called coincidently Blonde. The second was the same height as Lisa with long brown hair and deep hazel eyes, was wearing a white quilted jacket and was introduced as Nurse Reddick.

“Sorry to interrupt” continued Green “but there has been a leak of noxious gases from one of the older factories across the park and we have been tasked with confirming that everybody that could be affected has been checked. Is it alright if we come in?”

Without waiting for an answer the three women quickly made there way inside the flat and closed the door behind them. The woman known as Blonde then took up a position leaning against the door.

“Is there anybody else in the flat?” Green enquired.

“Yes my flatmate is upstairs” replied Lisa

“Okay there is a quick medical test to check for exposure to the gas that Nurse Reddick needs to administer. So why don’t you go into that bedroom with my colleagues and take the test to clear you and I will pop upstairs and have a chat with Gillian”

“Erm…okay I guess” said Lisa as she allowed herself to be steered toward the door leading to the bedroom by the nurse. The bedroom was the spare one that neither of the flatmates used and contained two single beds and a couple of sets of drawers. Once in the bedroom the nurse removed a bag from her shoulder and placed it on the floor.

“It won’t hurt will it? I don’t like needles”

“Don’t worry Lisa” said nurse Reddick “It’s not that kind of test. I am just going to put some of this chemical” simultaneously reaching into the bag that she had just removed from her shoulder and taking out a brown glass bottle and a large, soft looking white cloth, “onto this cloth and hold it over your nose and mouth. If you have breathed in any of the noxious gases there will be a reaction and we can get you the correct treatment. Is that alright?”

“Okay” replied Lisa

“Just relax and take some deep breaths”. Lisa watched transfixed as the nurse poured a generous amount of a clear liquid onto the cloth. Lisa didn’t notice Blonde make her way into the room and edge discreetly around the wall to take up a position behind her. Nurse Reddick closed the distance between herself and where Lisa was standing, not pausing she gently placed the cloth over Lisa’s nose and mouth with her left hand whilst placing her right on the back of her head to prevent Lisa rocking it backwards. “That’s it Lisa just take nice deep breaths, relax and concentrate on my voice”.

Lisa was startled when the cloth was placed over the lower half of her face but was reassured by both the soothing words and professional manner of the nurse. The cloth felt soft against her face and although the fumes were strong the aroma from the sweet smelling liquid was not unpleasant. Lisa relaxed, took a long, deep breath and inhaled the fumes. At first there was no reaction so she took a second and third. Subtly the fumes had an effect and she started to feel slightly faint and her eyelids started to get heavy. Lisa lighted tapped the nurse on the wrist, shook her head and asked for the cloth to be removed. Unfortunately due to the thick cloth covering her mouth the words were all but inaudible. The nurse started to remove the cloth but kept it in place just long enough for Lisa to inhale another lungful of the fumes.

“How do you feel?” asked Nurse Reddick

Now able to respond after the removal of the cloth Lisa answered “I feel a bit light headed…….unsteady on my feet. Is that good or bad?” As if to emphasise the point Lisa took a step toward the bed and stumbled. Nurse Reddick caught Lisa “Actually that is excellent. Exactly the intended result” As Lisa righted herself she replied “Intended? I thought…mmpphh”

Lisa never got the opportunity to finish the thought as in a co-ordinated attack Constable Blonde grabbed her from behind pinning both arms to her sides as Nurse Reddick repeated the move with the cloth and hand to the back of the head, only more forcefully this time. “Just relax and keep taking deep breaths. It’s too late the chloroform is already in your system, weakening your ability to fight it” Lisa was now struggling with all that she could muster but Constable Blonde had a firm grasp of her and her ability to fight had been affected by the initial inhalation of fumes. Despite trying not to breathe the exertion of her efforts against her attackers was making her take deeper breathes, inhaling more of the liquids fumes deep into her lungs. As the three woman struggled Lisa could feel her fight waning and her eyelids getting heavier with every passing second. As her efforts weakened all she could concentrate on was the soothing voice of Nurse Reddick “That’s it just relax and breathe in. The chloroform will only put you to sleep for a while.” As her strength started deserting her Lisa decided it was worthless fighting any longer. Locking eyes with Reddick Lisa stopped struggling and started breathing normally, accepting her fate. As darkness descended across her vision the last thing that Lisa heard was “Good girl”.

As Lisa entered unconsciousness Blonde moved her left hand to take and hold the cloth over Lisa’s nose and mouth to ensure that she was still breathing in the fumes whilst Reddick bent down grabbed Lisa’s ankles. Between them the two attackers carefully lifted Lisa and placed her on the nearest of the twin beds in the room.

Blonde removed a mobile phone from the pocket of her jacket and quickly sent a text. The text was short and was sent to a fourth member of their team.

Chapter 2

As Lisa was being attacked downstairs two floors above Gillian was engrossed in an article about string theory in the latest edition of Science Monthly and didn’t react to the noise of a person coming up the stairs believing that it was her flatmate Lisa returning from answering the door. She glanced up to see a stranger enter the living room. The stranger was a woman with reddish hair of roughly the same height and build as Gillian but perhaps slightly older. Instinctively Gillian stood and turned to face the stranger who had just looked at her phone. Before Gillian could say anything the stranger started talking “My name is Julie Green and believe me when I say that I don’t want to hurt you.” Gillian glanced at her mobile which was lying on the table in front of her. As if reading her thoughts the woman said “I wouldn’t make that move if I were you”. Gillian was shocked and froze as the stranger produced a small boxed shaped instrument from an inside pocket and continued “we have your friend Lisa secured downstairs and you will be joining her shortly. How is another matter? I would rather not use this taser and have to carry you as that would be the hard way. I would rather the easy way where you walk down. It would also be better for you. These tasers can have nasty side effects”.

Gillian stared in shocked silence and nodded almost imperceptible nodded. “I will take that as an affirmative Gillian. Please obey my instructions exactly. Turn around and back towards me until your back is all but touching my body. Then using your left hand reach into my outside jacket pocket. There you will find a cloth and a silk scarf. You will use them to gag yourself by placing the cloth fully into your mouth and securing the cloth in place by putting the scarf between your lips and tying it tightly at the back of your head. Nod if you understand these instructions.” Gillian nodded and did as instructed, turning around and backing towards the stranger until she could feel her breath on her neck. Slowly reaching into the pocket Gillian located the two pieces of cloth that would form her self inflicted gag. Sorting the cloth and scarf into different hands she hesitated for a brief second and was startled by a jab into her ribs. “Next time it will be juiced up” whispered Green into Gillian’s ear. “Hurry it up”. Resigned to her silence Gillian scrunched up the cloth in her right hand and forced it into her mouth, it did fit, just, taking up her whole mouth, pushing down her tongue. Although it was uncomfortable and awkward to have the cloth in her mouth due to the softness of the material Gillian found the feeling was not entirely unpleasant. Next she used the silk scarf to secure cloth in place, the act of tying the knot in the nape of her neck pushing the cloth further into her mouth. The stranger didn’t bother checking her handiwork, seemingly satisfied at the results. Gillian didn’t bother trying to scream. She was aware that anything that she tried to say would only be audible by somebody standing five feet away as a mumbled mess. Also no point in antagonising the stranger called Green at this point better to wait and see what happened next.

“Now please turn around and make your way downstairs to the twin bedroom where your friend awaits”.

Chapter 3

Gillian made her way down four flights of stairs to the bottom level of the flat, followed closely all the way by Green. Silenced by her own handiwork which gave her no way to call for help and Lisa seemingly in the hands on others working for Green there was no choice but to comply with whatever they wanted. Gillian paused in front of the door with her hand out to open it. She was brought out of her reverie by a hand in the back from Green.

“Through the door, no need to knock you are expected”

With trepidation Gillian opened the door fully and stepped into the room. She stopped midway through the entrance once the scene inside the room had transmitted the image from her eyes to her brain. Lisa was lying, seemingly unconscious on the right of the twin beds in the room and had been stripped down to her underwear. Standing over her were two women. The first was blonde and almost 6” tall wearing a full length black overcoat, the second was a brunette wearing a quilted white jacket which had been opened to reveal the uniform commonly worn by nurses. Once gain prodded by Green from behind Gillian took two further steps into the room and stopped.

“Gillian meet Nurse Reddick your captor for the foreseeable future. If I were in your position I would be nice to her and obey her every word immediately and too the letter. Right Blonde with me. We will be right outside so no funny business Gillian or their will be consequences. Understand?”

Gillian nodded her understanding. There was no point trying to talk through the gag. Gillian wondered why she was obeying the demands of the woman without trying to escape; the situation that Lisa and she found themselves in was only going to get worse. She could make a run for it but that would mean leaving Lisa to her fate until she could get help, assuming she could escape which she doubted very much. Something about the calmness and authority of Green told her that this wasn’t the first time that she had done something like this and had planned for every eventuality, Gillian thought that it was best to play along and look for an opportunity to raise the alarm later on.

“Please strip down to your underwear and lie on the empty bed, face up” said Reddick. Gillian started to strip removing first her jeans then sweater whilst taking concerned looks at her friend. “Don’t worry I just gave her a dose of chloroform to put her under, makes it easier to do my work. It isn’t painful and has no harmful effects apart from a fuzzy memory and sore head when you first come round but they both soon clear. You will find that out first hand soon enough.” Gillian paused and gulped, which was awkward with the gag. Gillian’s mouth had suddenly got a lot dryer. She wasn’t sure if it was the gag or the knowledge that she was soon to be sedated using chloroform. Her mind drifted to old films that she had seen where women had been dealt with in this manner. Usually a small amount of the drug was placed onto a cloth and held over the woman’s nose and mouth. After a couple of sniffs the woman would go out like someone had flipped a switch. As a scientist she had basic knowledge of the drug and knew this to be nonsense. Once she had finished undressing Gillian walked over to the bed lay down and awaited her fate.

Just as Reddick was about to walk across the room there was a knock at the door. Gillian glanced across as another woman entered the room. Gillian had not seen this woman before and made a note that she and Lisa must have at least four captors. Dressed the same as Green and Blonde the woman had shoulder length black hair and looked to be in her mid twenties. This woman was greeted by Reddick as she entered. Her shoulders and hands were full of bags of various shapes and sizes.

“Thanks Gayle I can take it from here” Reddick said. Reddick started to go through one of the bags, removed an item and walked across to where Gillian was lying. “You looked worried Gillian. Please relax these bags aren’t full of torture devices. Quite the opposite they are items in these bags are designed to make you more comfortable during this period. Take this for instance” Reddick said producing to Gillian something that resembled a very large diaper. “This is a diaper that I am going to put on you and also on your friend Lisa.” Gillian made a whimpering noise behind her gag and started to squirm. She could feel her face staring to heat up; no doubt it was going scarlet. “Don’t worry or be embarrassed it is purely a practical issue. You are going to be restrained for a significant period of time and you are not going to be constantly taken to the toilet, to much opportunity for escape. I presume that you would not want to dirty your own clothes and bed and I certainly won’t be cleaning up after you. So the diaper is the practical solution.” Gilliam nodded her understanding and without prompting removed her panties. “Good girl. Please keep you hips raised” Reddick unfolded the diaper and slipped it under Gillian’s body. Gillian lowered her bottom onto the diaper and Reddick then secured it tightly in place using the adhesive straps. Instantly Gillian was surprised that her initial reaction was how comfortable the thick diaper was. “Now for the main event.” Reddick beckoned for Gillian to raise her head then leaned towards her as Gillian moved her head off the pillow so that she could remove the gag, first the scarf and then gently using two fingers the cloth from her mouth.

“Thank you” said Gillian.

“Rule number one, absolutely no talking. Call that a friendly warning.” Reddick said as she pulled a cloth and bottle from the pocket of her jacket. Slowly taking the top from the bottle she then poured the clear liquid onto the cloth placing the bottle back in her pocket after securing the top. “I am going to place the cloth over your nose and mouth and you will take nice deep breaths until you are under. Understand?” Gillian was nothing if not a quick learner and just nodded silently as Reddick leaned over and placed the cloth over the lower half of her face, easily covering her nose and mouth. Gillian noted that the cloth was soft and thick, the sensation of it on her face was not unpleasant. The problem was the chloroform that was on the cloth, the fumes of which were currently invading her nostrils having involuntarily taken a deep breath as the cloth was placed securely over her nose and mouth effectively blocking out all oxygen, leaving only the sweet smelling fumes to inhale. Gillian knew that resistance was futile and that this was not the movies. It would take some time before she was fully unconscious even after the drug started to have an effect. Gillian took controlled deep breathes, calmly inhaling the fumes and could gradually feel herself succumbing to the drug. First her arms and legs started to feel numb then as she continued to inhale the fumes her vision started to blur and her eyelids started to close over involuntarily. Her head was starting to ache, all she wanted to do now was get this over with and sleep. Every breath now took her quickly toward that welcoming goal. Then everything went black.

Chapter 4

After Gillian’s eyes closed Reddick continued to hold the cloth over her nose and mouth for a further thirty seconds to ensure that she would stay out for a decent period. Then Reddick went to work making the captors comfortable, others might describe it as securing, binding or tying but not her. Reddick took pride in and enjoyed her work. Firstly she organised the equipment that Gayle had delivered then after checking that Lisa was still soundly out picked up one of the bags and walked across to where Gillian lay on the other bed. Reddick gently rolled Gillian onto her side and manoeuvred her so that she could put a quilted gillet on her upper body, Once both arms were in Reddick carefully rolled Gillian onto her back and fastened the gillet in place using the zip. Reddick then produced a set of handcuffs from the bag. These were not standard cuffs that most people would recognise from police shows on television. The bracelets of these cuffs were much wider and padded for comfort to ensure that they did not chafe when placed on captives’ wrists. Reddick placed these on each of Gillian’s wrists and secured them tightly using the straps on the bracelets. The bracelets were liked by a short chain. This link chain also had a small chain with a carabineer on it that attached to a ring on the gillet that restricted movement of the arms significantly. Reddick secured Gillian’s cuffs to the gillet then secured her legs at the ankles, above and below the knees and around the thighs with straps.

Reddick then picked up what a large, soft looking tube shaped package that had been placed on the floor at the end of the bed. This was an invention of her own to ensure that the captives remain secure. It looked like a large mummy shaped sleeping bag but it had been overstuffed with extra down and padding to bulk it up and narrow the inside of the bag. The outside of the bag was puffy with deep creases forming around each baffle were elastic had been installed so that it tightly fitted around whoever had the misfortune of being restrained in one. The nylon shell was soft and silky on both the inside and outside surfaces. During testing her colleagues had commented on not only have secure it felt but also the comfort of the invention. She had personally been restrained in one for a couple of days and was never uncomfortable. Despite her own best efforts and that of her colleagues as yet nobody had devised a way to escape from one. Reddick positioned Gillian in the bag and secured the double zips on the side with a small padlock to ensure that they couldn’t be opened.

Reddick then repeated the process for Lisa, also with the addition of a diaper and stood back to await them both captives regaining consciousness.

Chapter 5

Lisa was the first to come round. She cautiously opened her eyes and thought that she had experienced a bad dream. The tall blonde, the stunning brunette, the cloth over her nose and mouth, the smell of the chemical and the decent into darkness all seemed like elements of a bad dream until she tried to move her legs and couldn’t. Staring at the ceiling she then tried to move her arms but found that they were secured to her body in some way. In fact her whole body felt encased. Dreading what she would find slowly lift her head, looked down and found that she was lying in something that resembled a sleeping bag. This she found confusing until she felt rather then saw the person standing next to the bed. Before she could scream a hand covered her mouth. Their eyes locked and Reddick saw recognition in Lisa’s eyes as then sums finally added up. “Don’t panic the chloroform can make things hazy. You will get used to it. I am going to move my hand. Please make no noise.” Lisa nodded agreement.

“I am going to gag you now so no funny business.” Reddick dropped several items from her hand onto the bed. One of these items was a cloth. Reddick picked it up and scrunched it up with her right hand. “Open wide” Reddick said. Lisa wasn’t in a position to object so she complied. The cloth was similar to that used to administer the chloroform, soft and thick. The material filled her mouth but with a bit of effort Lisa could almost close her lips together. “Please lift your head Lisa” Lisa complied with this command and was thanked by a soft thick pad of what felt like cotton wool being placed over her mouth. This was then held in place by an elasticized bandage that Reddick wrapped tightly around her head a couple of times and secured in place with a generous amount of tape. The ensemble was finished off by a folded silk scarf tightly knotted at the nape of Lisa’s neck. “Admittedly the scarf isn’t really necessary but it does look nice, aesthetics should be important to a girl especially one as pretty as you.” Despite her predicament Lisa blushed at the compliment. “Don’t even try and scream now, it’s pointless. I have had plenty of time and practice to come up with the best way to effectively silence woman. Go on try it” Reddick taunted. Lisa did and Reddick had to lean in and place her ear on the gag over Lisa’s mouth to hear even the slightest noise. “Perfect”.

At this point Gillian was stirring. Reddick moved across and applied the same gag to her mouth. When both were completed and the supplies packed away Reddick asked for attention. “Ladies I know that you have been inconvenienced but we have to keep you out of the way for a couple of days. Unfortunately that means that you will be kept restrained most of the time and occasionally sedated. Provided that you behave yourself we will look after you the best that this situation allows. At the moment you are comfortable. Believe me when I say that I have ways of making you far less comfortable so no noise, funny business or escape attempts. I have placed a sound monitor on this sideboard and I will have the receiver with me at all times so best behaviour ladies. Also if you somehow get free of your bonds a lock has been installed on the outside of the door. You cannot escape so please just relax and treat this as a couple of relaxing days at a spa.” With that Reddick left the room and headed upstairs to meet with the rest of her team.

Chapter 6

Gillian and Lisa lay in silence on the twin beds both thinking what had they done to deserve this fate. Although they were surprisingly comfortable or as comfortable as you could be in their current state of bondage they had been trying without success to find a way out for what seemed like hours. The door opened and the now familiar shape of Reddick appeared. “Right ladies no doubt despite my warnings you have been trying to find a way to escape your bonds. You probably think that you have been trying for hours but it has actually only been thirty two minutes since I left the room” Although they were securely bound you could almost see Gillian and Lisa deflate. “Now as a reward for that and to pass the time I am going to give you both a dose of chloroform.” Reddick approached Lisa first and pulled out a small cloth which had already been prepared with the drug in advance. Lisa struggled as much as she could when the cloth was placed over her nose but it was useless and the fumes filled her nostrils and she breathed them deep into her lungs. Due to the chloroform still in her system from the previous sedation it worked quicker this time and Lisa entered the blackness with minimal fuss. Reddick then moved across to Gillian and placed the cloth over her nose. Although Gillian accepted the cloth without struggle there was defiance in her eyes until they closed over.

Reddick walked up the stairs and entered the dining room “Why don’t I get a cover names like you guys?” indicating Green, real name Christina, and Blonde (Victoria).

“It’s just a bit of fun. Everything okay with the ladies?” Christina asked Reddick as she sat down on a chair across from her at the dining table.

“Fine. I just sedated them again. I won’t go back down until it’s time to feed and water them later tonight.”

“Okay then” stated Christina “Everyone gather round it’s time to go over the plan.” Victoria and Gayle took seats at the table as Green continued “As you may have noticed I bear a more than passing resemblance to our host Gillian but more on that later. The company that she works for has been developing a formula for clean fuel at their facility that although not complete places it years in advance of the competition. Our employers want a copy of the research into the clean fuel and have hired us to make that happen. The firm has an away day planned for Monday so their facility will be lightly staffed. That should mean that it takes slightly longer to discover the theft. The plan is therefore simple. At some point over the weekend I will enter the facility using Gillian’s identification, make a copy of the material and then leave.”

“Will it be that easy boss?” queried Victoria

“Hopefully, over the weekend their should be fewer staff present to challenge me or raise the alarm and the security guard will let me in with the current identification. Even better once the theft has been discovered Gillian will initially be the prime suspect giving us more time to make our getaway.”

After the impromptu meeting Reddick pulled Christina aside. “There seems to have been a mix up. There is far too much equipment downstairs”

“No I made the order myself so there was no mistake but more on that a bit later” Green said as she smiled and walked away. Reddick looked at her back perplexed.
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