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Old 28-12-16, 21:36
downboy downboy is offline
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downboy is on a distinguished road
Default Nothing Personal - Part 2

Chapter 7

Gillian stared at the ceiling. Having awoken from her chloroform induced sleep she had made a concerted effort to escape her bonds for a second time and decided that is was useless. Even if she could escape the bindings on her wrists and legs there would be no escape from the sleeping bag contraption. Gillian had to admit that as Reddick has promised she was comfortable. Although constrictive the sensation provided by the amount of padding and smoothness of the material made the experience, dare she say it a pleasurable one. If she had to be bound then this was the way to do it. Lisa and her had tried to communicate but had quickly given that up also. The gags were too effective. After accepting the futility of trying to escape Gillian instead put her substantial brain power into trying to work out what had brought her to this position, securely bound and gagged in her spare bedroom!

Before she could start on this process the door opened and Reddick entered carrying a tray of what looked like food.

“Time to eat and get settled in for the night ladies. Remember no funny business”

Reddick put the tray down on the sideboard then picked up a plate and glass from the tray and made her way across the room towards Gillian. Reddick put the food down on the bedside cabinet. Reddick leaned over and Gillian instinctively raised her head to allow easy access to the back of it so that her gag could be removed. Once the wrapping, thick pad and stuffing had been removed Gillian worked her jaw to remove the stiffness. “This is how it is going to work.” Reddick started whilst spooning food into Gillian’s mouth like a parent feeding a young child, “I am going to feed you. Then I will give you a dose of chloroform, change your diaper, replace the gag and just so that you don’t panic when you come round I will also place a sleep mask over your eyes for the duration of the night. In the morning the same process will be repeated.”

Gillian sort of nodded her agreement whilst swallowing her food. Gillian was glad about the diaper change as though she was embarrassed to admit it did need freshened up. After completing the awkward process of eating and drinking Gillian placed her head back on the pillow and waited for the inevitable. Without fuss Reddick produced a cloth and soaked it with chloroform. The two now had an understanding and rhythm so no words were required. Reddick, for her part carefully placed the cloth over Gillian’s nose and mouth. Gillian playing the roll of submissive captive to perfection relaxed and took regular deep breaths through her nose. Gillian was concerned about how easy she was making this and also about the first thoughts that went through her head. How comfortable she felt, how soft the cloth was, the sweet smell of the chloroform. Was she starting to enjoy being put to sleep by the beautiful brunette? This was the last thing that crossed her mind as her eyelids shut and darkness descended.

“You could learn from your friend” Reddick commented to Lisa “Just relax and enjoy” she said as a smile crossed her lips. Reddick went to work unlocking the sleeping bag and unzipping it fully to reveal Gillian’s body. Nice body for a science geek Reddick thought to herself as she loosened the straps so that she could change the diaper. After quickly and professionally replacing the diaper, securing the bindings and replacing Gillian’s gag using a fresh cloth for the packing Reddick finished with Gillian by placing a sleep mask over her eyes. “Now for you Lisa”

After removing her gag and feeding Lisa Reddick freshened up the cloth with a splash of chloroform and held it over Lisa’s nose and mouth. This time there was no thrashing or struggling just calm, controlled breathing for as long as it took for Lisa to slip into unconsciousness. Reddick repeated the process of changing the diaper, applying a fresh gag and sleep mask to Lisa. After checking that both were secure she bid them a silent farewell and a good night’s sleep. Before leaving the room her phone vibrated. Looking at the screen it was a text from Christina. ‘Bring that spare equipment’ was all it said. Grabbing the equipment as ordered and locking the door behind her Reddick bounded up the stairs eager to find out what was going on.

Chapter 8

“If you didn’t trust me Christina why the hell did you bring me on this mission in the first place?” Reddick had just entered the living room to find Gayle and Christina having a heated debate while Victoria watched on with a look of detachment on her face.

“My dear Gayle you must understand my position as leader of this mission. There have been leaks from our organisation that have affected missions for the past six months. This roughly matches the date you started operations with us.” Before Gayle could interrupt Christina continued “if you don’t voluntarily submit to being restrained I will have no option but to assume that you have something to hide and order Reddick and Victoria to take the appropriate action. On the other hand…………”

Gayle had learned to pick her fights and she couldn’t win this one. As she made her way towards the stairwell she saw Christina turn to Reddick and say “Please escort Gayle down to the bedroom on the second floor and see that she is secured for the night. I will leave you to decide if sedation is required.”

Gayle stormed down the stairs to the main bedroom on the second level with Reddick following closely behind. There was no point fighting this. Gayle had to accept the situation and hope that it wouldn’t have an adverse effect on the progress of the mission. At the bottom of the flight of stairs she turned from the landing and into the bedroom noting that the restraining bag had already been laid out in advance. It lay open on the bed seeming to mock her. Soon you will be encased within my smothering embrace with no chance of escape it seemed to say. The only plus was that having experienced the sensation previously she knew she would be warm and comfortable for the duration of her restraint. With her back still to Reddick Gayle as a brief act of defiance she quickly stuck out her tongue in the direction of the bag.

Gayle sat at the end of the bed and began to undress as Reddick hovered with intent a couple of yards away. It didn’t take long for Gayle to remover her shoes, socks, pants and sweater and without waiting to be told pick up and put on the gilet that was laying on the bed. Reddick approach and stood in front of her with a pair of cuffs in one had and a thin smile playing at the edge of her lips. Gayle knew that Reddick enjoyed, wait it was a bit more than that, got a kick out of binding women. It was a hobby as well as a profession for her. As Reddick finished securing Gayle’s arms with the cuffs Gayle said “You could at least pretend that you aren’t enjoying this”

“Oh but I am Gayle. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm when Christina explained what she had planned to keep you occupied for the night. Just for the record I don’t believe that you pose a threat to the organisation but I never turn down the chance to put my talents to good use. Do you remember my rules for captives? Rule number 1 is no noise.”

Gayle stood up facing Reddick and was about to say that she was a colleague not a captive but as soon as she opened her mouth to start Reddick quickly filled it with a soft, thick cloth muffling any sounds. Protesting with her eyes Gayle continued to moan as Reddick used a single finger to push her flat onto her back on the bed. Gayle’s mood wasn’t improved when Reddick then moved to straddle her on the bed, with a knee placed next to each of her shoulders. “My dear Gayle lets just get you bound for the night and prevent any further awkwardness. We have to work together after all so lets’ both act professionally in this situation.” After maintaining that position for a couple of seconds longer than Gayle thought was necessary Reddick motioned with her hand for Gayle not to move, got up and made her way across the room to a bag that was sitting on the floor. Not wanting to antagonise Reddick any further Gayle obeyed the command and lay still, staring at the ceiling. The next thing that she felt was Reddick’s hands on her hips pulling her panties down her legs and eventually off altogether. Gayle knew that Reddick was about to apply a diaper and she didn’t have any complaints. In fact she would have requested a diaper anyway. Gayle had no idea for how long she was going to be restrained and had no intention of embarrassing herself by making a mess. As soon as the panties were removed Gayle raised her hips and allowed Reddick so slip the diaper under her body. Lowering her hips Gayle placed her bottom onto the think padding of the diaper. Gayle didn’t make any noise as Reddick secured it tightly in place using the sticky straps. “There we are Gayle, nice and tight to prevent any accidents during the night.” Reddick then leaned forward and placed a hand under Gayle’s arm and helped her to her feet.

Gayle stood motionless as Reddick set about arranging the restraining bag in a position on the bed that would allow Reddick to place Gayle onto it with ease. Reddick then eased Gayle into a sitting position with her diaper clad bottom resting on the edge of the bed. “Legs together” Reddick said as she produced some straps and used them to secure Gayle’s legs together at the ankles, just below the knee and around the thighs. Without complaint or having to be asked Gayle then shuffled into the restraining bag that Reddick had left open and lay down with her head on a pillow. Reddick allowed Gayle a couple of seconds of squirming around to get comfortable before leaning over and pulling the top of the restraining bag across Gayle. Reddick then zipped it up and secured it in place with a small padlock. “There we go all finished, nice and comfortable Gayle?” Gayle rolled her eyes. “Oh sorry forgot you had that cloth in your mouth for a second. Let me get that for you.” Gayle knew that Reddick had not forgotten she was just enjoying herself and playing to the gallery. Reddick leaned over and removed the cloth. “Just one more thing” Reddick said as with a slight flourish she produced a cloth and bottle of chloroform from the pocket of her down filled jacket.

“Is there really any need for that Reddick?” Gayle questioned.

“Probably not” Reddick replied “but best to be thorough. Look on the bright side it will kill some time for you. Also remember when you come round I will have gagged and blindfolded you”

Don’t forget that you enjoy applying the drug and knocking girls out Gayle fought the urge to retort but given her present predicament she remained silent. At the moment she had a choice in the matter and decided to use it. “Alright on you go. Just make it a decent dose”.

“Don’t worry I will use the appropriate amount” Reddick said whilst pouring a generous dose of chloroform onto the cloth. “I will also check on you during the night”. After putting the top back on the bottle and replacing it in her pocket she leaned over and pressed the cloth over Gayle’s nose and mouth. “Now relax, take deep breathes and enjoy the sensation. You will be asleep soon enough.”

Gayle had to admire Reddick’s technique. The cloth almost felt welded over her nose and mouth. There was no escape from the fumes given off by the chloroform and they hit her nostrils almost instantly. Gayle could tell from the strength of the smell that it was indeed a strong dose. She relaxed and took steady deep breaths, calmly inhaling the fumes that would render her unconscious. Gayle could feel the fumes starting to have an effect and glanced to her left to see Reddick had a broad grin on her face and a glint in her eye. The last thought that went through Gayle’s mind as she slipped into unconsciousness was that she couldn’t wait to wipe the grin off that face.

After Gayle’s eyes had closed over Reddick removed the cloth and let in lie on the pillow next to Gayle’s head. Reddick quickly gagged and blindfolded Gayle. After completing the task she held the cloth under Gayle’s nose so that Gayle inhaled some more of the fumes and fell into a deeper sleep. After disposing of the cloth Reddick turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Chapter 9

After what she believed to be two days and nights of confinement Gillian had started to become used to the routine of the day. In the morning it would be breakfast followed by sedation by breathing in the fumes from chloroform on a soft thick cloth that would be placed over her nose and mouth. During the enforced nap her gag and diaper were thankfully freshened up. The same process would take place in the evening then Lisa and her would be left to their own devices barring brief checks by their captors. The rest of the day would be spent in relevant comfort trying to figure out when this was happening. What had brought these women to her door?

When eventually Gillian had exhausted all possible answer to that question, given up and just accepted her current predicament all she could do was relax and enjoy the situation as much as possible. Although well restrained and effectively silenced the sleeping bad contraption was well padded, warm and the material felt good against her skin. Gillian had to admit that the sensation of being encase was not unpleasant, indeed she was comfortable and reasonable relaxed. She hadn’t been able to say anything to her friend Lisa since this had started but hoped that she was dealing with the situation as well as Gillian believed she was. Gillian had tried to communicate encouragement and strength during the brief occasions that they had been able to exchange eye contact.

About an hour later the door to the bedroom opened and Reddick and the tall blonde entered. Gillian noted that the tall blonde was carrying some items in one of her hands.

“Lisa I know that you have already met but please let me formally introduce you to my colleague Victoria.” Reddick announced subtly indicating toward the tall blonde who responded impassively.

Gillian thought that this was an unusual as until now only Reddick had entered the room since they women were initially subdued and restrained. Gillian sensed that due to this change of routine something was about to happen. Lisa seemed to sense this also as she attempted to struggle and shout although with both the bonds and gag being that effective it was a pointless exercise. Gillian turned her head and watched as Reddick produced the now familiar cloth and placed over the lower half of Lisa’s face. After roughly sixty seconds of much muffled moaning and a gradual reduction in the level of struggling Lisa slipped into unconsciousness and the cloth was removed. Reddick placed the cloth back into the pocket on her quilted jacket the made her way across the room towards Gillian. Gillian prepared for the forthcoming sensation of the cloth, chloroform and decent into darkness. To her surprise Reddick unlocked and fully unzipped the sleeping bag that had been Gillian’s cocoon for the past two days.

“Please slip out of the bag and sit upright on the bed” Reddick said this whilst making a spinning motion with her index finger. Gillian although slightly shocked complied. What with currently being bound and not having moved for two days this seemingly simple manoeuvre took what seemed like very long time. “The boss wants to have a conversation with you upstairs so we are going to untie you and let you stretch your legs a bit. But remember no funny business. Remember we can make things very uncomfortable for you and your friend is still securely restrained and at our mercy”. Gillian had to admit that she was both confused and excited by this turn of events. After the events of the past two days she couldn’t wait to talk to whoever was in charge of these women and hopefully get some answers or if not answers then at least some more information. This and the implied threat to Lisa, the physically intimidating presence of the tall blonde (identified as Victoria) and the unmentioned threat of the chloroform soaked cloth in Reddick’s pocket dissuaded Gillian from attempting any funny business. Once Gillian had clumsily got into a sitting position Reddick bent down and removed the straps restraining her legs. Next she moved onto her arms releasing the cuffs from the restraints securing them gillet and then removing the cuffs from Gillian’s wrists, easing off the gillet and finally removing the gag.

Gillian automatically stood slightly unsteadily and began to ease the kinks and tightness from her muscles, rubbing her legs to get the blood flowing properly. After a couple of second Gillian froze and then spun round to catch the eye of the woman that had just freed her from her bonds seeking silent approval for her actions. Reddick nodded that this was alright, “Just be quiet”. Gillian was then embarrassed that she was standing around in only a bra and diaper in front of two woman that she didn’t know. Victoria had handed three items of clothing to Reddick, a pair socks, some slippers and a quilted jacket which were both also deposited on the bed, next to where Reddick had deposited a fresh diaper, cloth and scarf.

“Freshen up, put on the clothes and I guess I don’t have to tell you what the other items are for. Victoria and I will wait outside. You have five minutes and remember we will be listening” Reddick warned pointing to the monitor. Gillian silently nodded her understanding.

As soon as the door closed Gillian made her way across to Lisa. There wasn’t anything that she could do but felt that she had to check on her friend. As her stroked her friends face and whispered words of encouragement she resolved to get them both out of this. Without further hesitation she undid the gum straps holding her diaper in place and let it drop to the floor. Gillian then laid out the fresh diaper on top of the bed on which she had been kept for the past two days, turned and dropped her bum onto the diaper, laid down and began to secure it tightly in place using the sticky straps. Gillian stood and tested her handiwork by stretching and bending and patting it front and back. Snug, secure and comfortable, not a bad job Gillian thought considering she had never even changed a diaper on a child before let alone changed one on her own person. Next she slipped on the socks and slippers that she recognised as from her own wardrobe and picked up the quilted jacket and went to put it on until she realised that at the end of each sleeve was a large quilted mitt that would prevent her zipping up the jacket never mind applying a gag. The jacket was returned to the bed as she picked up the cloth which was as usual soft and thick, scrunched it up in her right hand and placed it into her mouth. It fitted snugly as if cut to the exact correct size. Then she used the scarf to hold it in place tying the knot securely at the nape of her neck. Moving her head around she tried to loosen the scarf and then tried to speak at a normal level. The gag remained in place and muffled her attempts to speak. Gillian then slipped into the quilted jacket leaving the front open and sat down to await the return of the two women. Gillian had to remain positive after what had happened over the past two days and what may still lie ahead. If that meant taking pride in putting a diaper on and applying a gag to your own mouth then so be it.

After a couple of minutes the door opened and the two captors returned to escort Gillian upstairs. As they entered Gillian stood and turned to face them. Reddick came over and zipped up the jacket then as Gillian looked on shocked felt around the diaper. “Nice and secure for a first effort. Or was it?” Turn around and cross your wrists behind your back. Gillian did as instructed and felt her wrists being expertly bound together with thin cord. Once this process was complete Reddick spun Gillian around and pointed her towards the door. “We are meeting in the dining room. It’s your house lead the way” and gently patted Gillian on her cushioned, diapered behind to encourage her to get going.

At this point Gillian didn’t need much encouragement as she was keen to get this conversation started as she headed toward the stairs. Carefully due to having her hands bound and slightly awkwardly due to the diaper she made her way up the stairs toward a meeting that would hopefully supply some answers. Victoria fell in close behind as Gillian started up the stairs a firm hand on her right shoulder helping to guide the way.

On entering the dining room Gillian noted that there were two chairs pulled away from the table facing each other. Gillian was lead to the first of these chairs and her hands were untied. Victoria leaned on her shoulder and eased her into the chair. As she sat down Victoria and Reddick each took one of her arms and secured it to the arm of the chair using short lengths of rope. They next moved down to secure her ankles to the legs of the chair using similar lengths of rope. This also had the added affect of spreading her legs and exposing her crotch. Finally Victoria used a longer length of rope loped around the back of the chair to secure Gillian to it just above the waist.

When the two women had finished binding her to the chair they moved away. Gillian was starting to become concerned. They hadn’t yet removed the gag and it was difficult to carry on a conversation with a cloth secured in your mouth. Reddick retuned with some items and placed them on the table. “Sorry about this but the boss wanted you softened up a bit first”. On hearing this Gillian started to panic, fitting against her bonds. “Mmmppphh” she said into her gag. The chair moving slightly to but Gillian moved everywhere with it. “Calm down. Getting all excitable isn’t going to make this any easier”. Reddick chided as she picked up a handful of cotton wool from a bag on the table which she doused with a liquid from a glass bottle. “Chloroform if you haven’t already guessed. Not as strong as the stuff that you are used too but this time I am not trying to knock you out. The idea is a bit of disorientation.” Next she placed the cotton wool into a dust mask and turned around to face Gillian. Gillian looked on as Reddick approached with wide eyed fear and turned her head to one side. “No use in doing that” Reddick said as she placed the mask over Gillian’s nose and mouth securing it in place.

Gillian thrashed her head from side to side trying to dislodge the mask but couldn’t shake it off. Although she could smell the now familiar scent of chloroform in her nostrils it hadn’t had the usual instant effects. She resigned herself and started taking normal breathes. Now that she had got over the shock of that incident Gillian focused again on Reddick who had picked up another item from the table. Gillian instantly recognised the piece of electrical equipment as the vibrator that she kept at the bottom of her underwear drawer. If she wasn’t worried before she was now. Focusing intently on Reddick for thirty seconds as she messed around with the vibrator Gillian hadn’t noticed that the chloroform was starting to have an effect. Taking steady even breathes the fumes had invaded her nostrils got into her system and was making her drowsy and light headed. Reddick approached with the vibrator and placed it on the seat of the chair with the end placed firmly against the area of the diaper covering Gillian’s crotch. Gillian tried to squirm away but the ropes securing her to the chair kept her in place. Using several lengths on duct tape Reddick secured the vibrator firmly in place. The chloroform was starting to have a more pronounced affect on Gillian now, her head was starting to spin and the arms and legs were getting numb. Although affected by the fumes that were contained in the dust mask she was sure that the thick padding of the diaper would surely lessen the effect of the vibrator.

Finally happy that the vibrator was secure Reddick switched it on and said “Enjoy” and spun and left the room closing door behind her and leaving Gillian to her own devices.

Gillian’s hopes that the padding in the diaper would lessen the affects of the vibrator were soon dashed. The setting on the vibrator had obviously been set higher than she had ever used and could be felt through the diaper comfortably. As the pleasurable vibrations penetrate through the diaper Gillian could feel the heat start to spread between her legs. The chloroform was now also having a serious effect and she was starting to feel very sleepy. Usually she would have been unconsciousness having been exposed to chloroform fumes for this length of time but Reddick had mentioned that this stuff wasn’t as concentrated. The combination of the chloroform and sex toy was starting to have a disorientating effect. Gillian could feel the heat growing and started to moan involuntarily against her gag as she neared climax. In a desperate attempt to end the torment Gillian took rapid deep breathes trying to inhale enough fumes to knock her out but when that didn’t work she could only close her eyes and hope that this would end quickly.

It was another fifteen minutes until Gillian heard the noise of chair scrap against the wooden floor. The noise gave her something to focus on and helped to clear her head from the orgasm and chemical induced stupor. Gillian looked at the women sitting in the other chair and hoped that her eyes glared defiance although at this point she knew she was struggling to focus. The woman nodded and Reddick leaned in from behind Gillian and switched off the vibrator. Gillian’s head slumped forward in relief her strength severely sapped with the ordeal. Reddick tool this opportunity and removed the dust mask and untied the scarf that secured the cloth in Gillian’s mouth. Gillian couldn’t muster the strength to spit out the cloth so the woman in the other chair leaned forward and removed it, using it to wipe away the sweat from Gillian’s brow.

“Gillian my name is Christina and please believe me when I say that I don’t want to have to put you through anything like that again but I had to let you know that I am prepared to do to complete my task.” Christian paused as Reddick appeared with a glass of water and held it to Gillian’s lips so that she could take a couple of sips. “Now I have to ask you one question and then you can return downstairs to the comfort of the bedroom and get some rest. I hope that is alright?” Gillian nodded in agreement.

“Okay. Good girl. Now all I need are your user name and security code for your company’s computer system?”

Gillian looked panicked. That single question had just answered a lot of questions about why they had been targeted by their captors. Obviously they planned to use her identification to acquire some information.

“I can’t give you that” Gillian stammered uncertainly

Christina shook her head and leaned forward and stuffed the cloth back into Gillian’s mouth. Before she could react Victoria had used the scarf to secure the cloth in place and Reddick had leaned down to turn on the vibrator. Next the dust mask was placed over Gillian’s nose and mouth after the chloroform soaked cotton wool had been replaced with a fresh batch. “I thought you were smarter than that but it goes to show that you can’t judge everybody correctly. The last time it was only fifteen minutes that we left you. This time it will be twenty, the time after that thirty. I can do this all day. The question is how long can you put up with is?”
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