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Old 20-12-09, 21:13
CBiscuit CBiscuit is offline
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Default Prison Guard Part 3


When Kim got back to her cell, she was really groggy. Between the shot, the gas, and all the chloroform, she could barely walk back from TU. She stretched out on her bed and thought about the situation. Allison would no doubt be knocked out for most if not all of the day. She should be safe though. So far Mindy was harmless for all practical purposes. The girls were being treated better than they deserved, since they were in prison to start with. If she turned in Mindy, they would replace her with a guard that would most likely beat and abuse the women. She would think it over for now.

When Mindy got back to her room, Allison was still out. After all, Kim had held the cloth on her for quite a while after she went under. Allison was still dressed in the red nightgown with the thigh high stockings and high heeled pumps. Mindy couldn’t wait to have some uninterrupted time with her. She sat at her desk and used her computer, while she waited for Allison to wake up.

After about half an hour, Allison opened her eyes. Her head was spinning and she was too weak to sit up. She looked around the room carefully. Kim was gone. Mindy was at the desk, using the computer. As Allison's vision started to clear, Mindy noticed she was awake. Mindy told her to sit up and relax. She would give her some of her drug of choice in a minute.

Allison sat up and started to get her balance. Mindy told her that Kim would be back after lights out, and that she would soon be treated to a massage and bubble bath. Allison found the whole thing hard to believe, but it was the first good thing to happen to her in a long time. She desperately needed her Rohypnol and she didn’t mind all the knock outs as long as she wasn’t being abused.

Rohypnol was the date rape drug. The people that forced Allison into prostitution gave it to her constantly. At first, one pill would make her totally uninhibited for about a half hour, and then she would pass out completely and wake up several hours later and remember nothing. Sometimes they would give her 2 pills. She would pass out in about 15 minutes and be out for 5 hours. She had no idea of what happened in that time and she hated it. Eventually she needed one pill every day or she would climb the walls. Then they would make her do things to get the pill. She had been in prison 6 months and still craved the drug. Mindy had given her one last night and it was heaven for her. She wondered if she could get Mindy to give her 2 today.

Mindy approached her with a bottle of pills. She handed her one and a cup of water. Allison eagerly took it. Then she asked if she could have another. Mindy said she might give her another in a few minutes. After about 10 minutes, Allison was already feeling dreamy from the first pill. Mindy knew a second pill would knock her out completely, since she hadn’t had any for a while. She wanted to prolong the moment. She also wanted to see what Allison would do to get it.

Allison wanted another pill. She would work on Mindy. Allison turned on to her side on the bed facing Mindy. She waved her legs in the air and slowly removed her high heeled pumps and then rubbed her stocking feet together. Then she rolled on her back and lifted her nightgown above her waist. Mindy smiled and handed her another pill. Allison swallowed it without water. Then she relaxed on the bed.

Mindy watched Allison’s eyes. They were dreamy, glazed, and blinking often. She got on the bed and started to fondle Allison’s breasts. Allison was awake but had no idea what was happening. Now Mindy could see why it was the perfect date rape drug! Mindy played with her for about 20 minutes. All of a sudden Allison got very still. Her eyes were rolling up into her head. They closed suddenly and Allison’s head turned limp to the side. Her raven black hair sprawled all over. "Wow!" Mindy thought. This was even better than a chloroform mask, since she could see her entire face as she passed out.

Mindy pulled off Allison’s nightgown and slowly removed her thigh high stockings. She threw them aside and stretched Allison’s limp body out on the bed. She fondled and worshiped her body for several hours. Then she left her there, out and naked while she went in the other room and set up for her bath and massage.

When Mindy came back, Allison was still out. Mindy sat at her desk and did some work. She kept looking up at Allison’s delectable limp form as she worked. Mindy was in pure heaven! Allison finally woke up after several hours.

“Wow!” Mindy thought, “Maybe I’ll give some of this stuff to Kim tonight.”

When Allison woke up, she felt wonderful. A good sleep and a good dose of her badly needed drug. She would do anything Mindy asked now. Nothing mattered. She smiled at Mindy and said

“What would you like me to do now?”

Mindy said it was time for her bath and massage. Mindy led her into the hidden room and asked her to lie face down on the massage table. She placed a warm sheet over her naked body. Allison waited in ecstasy. Mindy removed the sheet and took the needle out of the drawer.

“What’s that for?” Allison asked.

“It will relax your muscles and make you drowsy” Mindy said.

Mindy stuck the needle in Allison’s butt and injected the contents.

“Is this going to knock me out?” Allison asked.

“No, not completely” Mindy said. “You’ll just be relaxed and floating for your massage.”

Mindy was right. Within a few minutes Allison was floating on air. She couldn’t move anything but her head and neck and didn’t care either. She felt safe and wonderful. Mindy massaged her for about half an hour and then turned her over on her back. She stared at the ceiling, but it wouldn’t focus. Nothing would. She lay there helpless and perfectly happy as Mindy worked on her.

When Mindy was finished, she went and got the sleeping gas cylinder. She strapped the mask on Allison’s face and turned on the gas. She told Allison to breathe normally and she would soon be asleep for her bath. Allison smiled as she inhaled the sweet fumes. Her ears started a dull ringing and she lost what little focus she had. She tried to blink her eyes to get them to focus, but it was no use. Within 10 seconds her eyes rolled closed and she was out. Mindy left the gas on as she prepared the bath. After about 10 minutes, she turned off the gas and removed the mask. Then she cradle carried Allison’s totally limp body to the tub and put her in the water.

The bath and shampoo went on for about an hour and a half. Mindy soaped and fondled her doll over and over. She washed her hair 3 times. Then she lifted her out of the foamy tub and held her under the shower to rinse her off. After that, Mindy placed her back on the massage table and dried her off. She was still as limp as a rag doll. Mindy carried her in and placed her in the chair at the dressing table and started to dry her hair. Her hair was now shiny and gorgeous. Mindy then cradled her limp head and applied make up and lipstick. After that she placed her in the stuffed chair and took a string bikini out of the drawer and put it on her. The top was too small and her breasts overflowed. All for the better thought Mindy as she got out the camera. She started snapping picture after picture.

Finally Mindy noticed Allison was starting to move.

“She’s waking up a little too soon!” Mindy thought.

Mindy opened a can of chloroform and soaked a thick white washcloth. As soon as Allison’s eyes were fully open she placed it over her nose and mouth. Allison umped for a second in surprise but Mindy told her to relax and go back to sleep. She inhaled deeply and her eyes were soon fluttering. Mindy watched in awe as Allison’s eyes rolled closed and her head went limp in her arms once again. She held the cloth on her for about a minute and then gently removed it. Afterward, she untied and removed the bikini top. Then she sat Allison in the chair and took some topless pictures. As time went on, she put her in several more different outfits and took pictures of her in each. When Mindy was finished with the photos, she put Allison back in the red nightgown, thigh high stockings and high heels and waited for her to wake up.

When Allison woke up she was sitting in the stuffed chair and was back in her outfit that she started with. She felt her hair and it was dry and fluffy. Then she looked in the dressing table mirror and was shocked at how good she looked. Mindy smiled and asked her what she thought of the makeover. Allison smiled and said it was the best she had ever had.

Mindy told her she would be going to get Kim soon. Allison asked if she would be allowed to put her to sleep and play with her. Mindy said,

“Of course you can!”

Allison tingled all over at the thought of holding the cloth over Kim’s Barbie doll face, and watching her helplessly pass out. She told Mindy she would do anything she wanted her to. Mindy took her hand and walked her over to the bed. Then she got the chloroform and a cloth ready. Allison sat willing as Mindy soaked the cloth. She inhaled deeply with no resistance as Mindy held the cloth over her nose and mouth. After about 30 seconds her eyes were fluttering rapidly. Suddenly Allison went limp in Mindy’s arms. Mindy gently lowered her beautiful limp body on to the bed.

Mindy smiled as she looked at Allison, helpless and unconscious on the bed in the red nightgown. She never dreamed this one would be tamed so easily. She had a plan now. Allison liked women and needed her drug. She also got hot putting women to sleep. Mindy would allow Allison to bring any girls she liked into the TU by staging fights with them. Then Mindy could knock out Allison and the new girl as much as she wanted. Even better she could watch Allison chloroform the new girl as well.

Mindy’s computer made the sound of an incoming message. When Mindy went to check it she found out Kim had been transferred out of the prison. Now she would have to depend on Allison for all her fun and games tonight. She would keep her for tonight, and let her out in the morning so Allison could recruit another girl for the next day’s fun.

Allison woke up after about half an hour and Mindy told her that Kim was gone, and of her plan. Allison eagerly agreed to Mindy’s terms, and would get some new girls. She already had her eye on several and couldn’t wait to make it happen! Mindy soaked the cloth and held it on Allison once more as she lay on the bed. She asked Allison to describe one of the girls as she went under. In a wavering voice with blinking eyes Allison mentioned a taller blonde a lot like Kim. She had blue eyes and was another Barbie doll type. When Mindy asked for her name Allison passed out before she could answer. Mindy was very excited hearing Allison struggle to stay awake and answer her questions. Then her voice trailed off as her eyes closed once more. Mindy pulled the cloth away. Allison woke up about 20 minutes later smiling and happy.

Mindy soaked the cloth again and held it close to Allison’s face. She asked for more information about the girls she had her eye on. Allison’s voice was wavering as she spoke. Mindy held the cloth ever closer and watched her eyes start to flutter as well. Then she pulled the cloth away and kept her talking. Each time her voice began to sound normal, she moved the cloth closer to keep her in the wavering state. Allison described several girls. Then Mindy spoke to Allison softly.

“You will let me chloroform you anytime I want now.” Mindy asked.

“Yes.” Allison struggled to say, about to pass out.

“And you will never resist?” Mindy asked.

“No.” promised Allison as her eyes fluttered rapidly.

Allison held the cloth on her tightly and smiled. Allison inhaled deeply and went out almost instantly. Mindy held the cloth on her for about 30 seconds, so she could have a nice deep sleep after her half out teasing. Mindy just watched her sleep for a while.

When Allison woke up Mindy was on her computer. She got off the bed and walked over to Mindy’s desk and looked over her shoulder. At first there was nothing interesting there. Just routine prison stuff. Then Mindy called up the files of the girls Allison had her eye on. Allison was fascinated looking at their records. Mindy got up and let her play with the computer for a while. While Allison looked up all the girls’ records, Mindy prepared a cloth. She soaked it heavily and came up behind Allison. For some reason she wanted to chloroform her from behind while she was in the chair.

Allison felt the wet cloth suddenly clamped over her face. She totally surrendered as promised and inhaled normally. Within 20 seconds she could feel her eyes fluttering again. The she inhaled deeper. She went out quickly and her head went delightfully limp in Mindy’s strong arms.

Mindy smiled and held the cloth there for about 30 seconds. Then she got the camera and took some photos of Allison slumped unconscious in her desk chair. “Great pose!” Mindy thought. Then she let Allison wake up while still in the chair. It would be time for Mindy to go back on duty soon. When Allison woke up this time, Mindy told her she had to go back on duty. Allison would be taking a long nap now.

Mindy decided that this time she would have Allison kneel on the bed, and put a mask on her and watch her slowly pass out. Allison did as she was told and held still while Mindy poured a small amount of chloroform on to the mask and strapped it over her nose and mouth. Allison posed and waved her legs around and removed her shoes. As she started to pull down one of her stockings she fell suddenly to the bed and laid there with her eyes fluttering. After a few seconds her eyes closed and her beautiful head went limp. She had been put under too many times and had no resistance at all.

Mindy finished removing the stocking for her, and removed the other one as well. Then she posed Allison on the bed in just her nightgown. She filled the tiny glass with more chloroform and totally soaked her mask. She would be out for several hours now. Mindy covered her beautiful limp body with a small blanket and went on her rounds. As she worked, the thought of Allison knocked out on her bed in just that hot red nightgown was giving her fits. She looked over each of the girls that Allison had picked out in their cells. Oh yes, this was going to work out just fine. She would miss Kim, but there were still others. And some looked like pretty cloth worthy others at that!

Last edited by CBiscuit; 15-05-11 at 18:21.
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Old 24-12-09, 12:11
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